Enjoy your baby burgers.
Enjoy your baby burgers.
She should check out boxed wine, I made this complaint at Trader Joe’s because they stopped carrying the in house canned wine, one of their associates explained to me that a box of wine (4 bottle equivalent) is good for 45 days once opened, I’ve been a box man ever since.
Trader Joe’s has stopped carrying most canned wines, it’s only Pinot Grigio left unfortunately.
Kangaroo does not make a very good burger, pretty gamey
I loved DQB2 so much I started playing through the original Dragon Quest games.
Did you call the police? You should call the police.
I have found the superior dishwashing implement. https://www.josephjoseph.com/en-us/edge-dish-brush
I’ve noticed this on soup cans recently and I really like it.
Some of the logos aren’t paid but are included with permission to match the original Dale car. I’d guess Goodyear is one of those.
It depends on the state, they are generally legal federally, but have been held to violate some states’ constitution.
This is the standard method of attacking a DUI arrest in the US. If you can establish the underlying stop was unlawful, then everything after it was “fruit of the poisonous tree” and gets thrown out. Police in the US have to have probable cause (or reasonable suspicion), which are defined (relatively) legal standards…
Milk Thistle and a Bacon Sandwich with Coffee.
This sounds exactly like the books.
Is there one that works with both Stadia and Xbox?
Cottonelle Ultra GentleCare, the little lines make it effective, it’s durable so you don’t need to use a ton, it’s very soft, and it really is very gentle.
Cottonelle Ultra GentleCare, the little lines make it effective, it’s durable so you don’t need to use a ton, it’s…
So they’re Teslas.
Dammit, I thought I told you Takeout, no making me cry before Noon.
“May your beer stay within” sounds like some kind of ancient Irish proverb/blessing.