
Update: “Instacart talked to a lawyer and realized they were fucked, so they fixed it and apologized.”

Complaints like this almost always have to be served personally.

He was making queso.

Ro-tel, Mo-tel, Holiday Cheese.

Ro-tel, Mo-tel, Holiday Cheese.

Let me just say, I did this on Sunday, with both Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch, and it was amazing. 10/10 will do again.

According to the commentary playing on the old boob tube, NFL kickers had not missed a single field goal in this dome all season, until the superbowl.

I mean, I feel like any car on fire with a driver still inside of it is urgent enough to warrant immediate intervention, no?

If by “Very soon” you mean already are, then yes. 

I feel like the picture header really should’ve been a picture of Tom Brady kissing his kid, just sayin’.

Yeah holy shit, that’s a lot of bacon.

They’re going after big fish DPs. They’ve been very clear about this being their model from the beginning. They intend to constantly rotate those big fishes to the European clubs and make boatloads of money off of them. 

The only actual source I’ve seen for the “MAGA” stuff is TMZ, which has me a bit skeptical about those specific details. 


Very important note, a citizen’s arrest is generally only legal if you witness a felony being committed. 

This is an interesting alternative to the whole green burial trend.

This was highly enjoyable.


I’d be willing to be someone was running a scam, stealing credit card info, and delivering no food. Or delivering shit food and then using the credit cards for nefarious purposes.