
Can I get one with a Shamrock shake?

@Fauxcused: I understand you're point. But what exactly do you do w/ the rolls that make you so exited over this?

Where can I get a bottle of that 'E' Vodka in the background?

@CougarAries: And yet, Graphene was talked about ad naseum in the article.

Cows. Is there nothing they can't do?

$4,000 for a camaro w/ 95 miles on the engine? if the tranny is ok, it might be worth the embarrassment of driving the thing.

@Ninety-9: ". . . now all restaurants are Taco Bell. "

I'm not sure how Sprint works, but if they have similar policies to Verizon, then its not too bad.

@redangel7: If we call it a tablet, we need to sand down our fingers, but if we call it an iPhone, our fingers are the right size?! I don't get the logic.

You don't generally hear about the same argument about Windows based PCs. Except for corporate environments, its hard to find any two people with the same Make/Model of computer and yet their apps run just fine

@ryoshi: Umm. Correction. enough dough to have a Porsche as her *spare* car.

@OMGItsWeasel: Why dont you test that. If nothing else, it would make for a fun conversation

How are we ever going to build an infinite improbability drive with our physicists never getting all drunk and stupid?

Is anyone really surprised by this?

Ok, You're not buying the software. You're buying a license to use it. The software is essentially a giveaway.

Was burning crosses too obvious?

@sudosudont: Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I dont want to see malware reading and sending my fingerprints over the internet. OTOH, it may invalidate fingerprinting as admissible evidence

Is anyone else wondering why there are A/C vents in there?

@hamburgular: Of course its just theoretical legal fees. Defense council is paid either by the inmate or some non-profit. Prosecution is a function of the state.