
I dont think the USPS is going away. At least not w/o a Constitutional Amendment to abolish it. The post office is one of the few agencies created in Article I.

Because he already owns it. Its a sunk cost.

Just what we needed, another way to start fires in Detroit.

Not true. If filed in one of the countries that signed the Berne convention, then the copyright is valid in all of those countries. Perhaps you meant to say Trademark? or Patent?

Since this has degraded into a linguistics argument, food can never be "healthy" its either dead or soon about to be dead. It can however be "healthful."

Really?! Less than 24 hours into a Beta product and that it isn't perfect is news? I guess thats what you get when you give beta access to the press.

Maybe he doesn't want to move his family into a refrigerator box?

If you actually read the article, you'd see that they had paid it off in full. They did own the computer.

I always thought truckers put that on their rigs to let the Lot Lizards know they were interested. I also though that the Yosemite Sam mud-flaps meant "gay trucker looking for other gay trucker"

I've been using a Windows based tablet pc for nearly 7 years now. I've been very fortunate to have the means to afford one to bring to class/meetings with me. The new windows 7 tablets will probably save me about $2000 vs buying another convertible tablet.

@nick103: Yeah. I had to read that a few times as well before I could make any sense of it.

@CrispyAardvark: Most of the people who can afford this. Didn't get that way by blowing $500 to see a movie they could see for $8.

@fluxrad: Not entirely true. The EULA on the Copy of Windows/Office that I received from my University, clearly states that I may continue to use it after graduation in perpetuity (much like any other MS EA Agreement) The Adobe products, not so much.

@AVClub5782: Yeah. And imaging what the LD rates back to earth will be like

@Drive-by troll: To be fair, we thought they had WMDs because the US SOLD THEM WMDs. The real question is where did the WMDs we sold them run off to?

@Duffin: But they only enact new policys that would catch the *next* guy to use a shoe bomb. They caught the first guy without those procedures. Making me take off my shoes does nothing to make me safer

@anradu: They dont need to at tack again. They've already changed our behavior, increased delay and cost to many many processes, and made us afraid of everything.