There’s a distinct passed over topic here that those godawful Bourne movies illustrate perfectly. She was a bit character the whole way through, but always vaguely hinted at after the awful first ten minutes of the second that she’d be the next table lamp love interest. But the series dragged on too long, so instead,…
I would never call not having kids a “selfless” act. That sounds ridiculous. Someone doesn’t want kids, don’t have them, but don’t try to saint yourself up over the matter. Sheesh, that sounds just as insane as those ‘army of the lord’ assholes who believe they’re pumping out soldiers for the end time battle (and yes,…
No, sorry. That never happened. It was clearly some fever pitch dream of the very illegal sort and the authorities will be sending the Re-Education Task Force to your home immediately.
All I can think of is a melding of the Sprockets “You bore me and now I must dance” and that “Ah’m a maaadolll” song.
Vaporum, Generation Zero, and Yoshi’s Wooly Worms...er... World. Maybe get my ass trounced a bit more on the MK11 beta. I don’t, probably some other stuff. Come by, say hi, we’ll blow shit up.
The obsession with framerate amuses me to no end. I get it with multiplayer, but honestly, I still remember busting through early “3D” games that ran at maybe 10-12 fps and thinking it was amazing. You get about like 24 fps and I’m usually good and happy.
Looking back now, it’s easy to wonder that, but back then, PC games were still largely a wild frontier and, honestly, we didn’t notice it as much because we had absolutely zero things to compare groundbreaking games like this and Ultima Underworld to. Looking Glass gets all the nostalgic praise, but I would put nearly…
SS2 did at least get the option to turn off the annoying weapon degrading. Although, I think the first time through it wasn’t patched yet, so I mostly beat the crap out weird cyborg midwives with pipes.
I adore System Shock 1 and 2, but gawd are they miserably unintuitive to play compared to modern games. So, I sure as hell hope they’ve updated the controls to not be mindnumbingly nonsensical.
Oof, Pokemon is a hotbed of awful if you give it even the slightest bit of thought. It’s a cock-fighting primer for kids where they go around capturing poor wild creatures, enslave them, manipulate their actual physical development for shits and giggles, and force them to fight other slave animals for money and just…
I... did not know that. Wow.
Gah. That’s right. My youngest moved away from it last year, so my memory is clearly foggy. Although I do believe the episode where Peppa loses either a boot or a balloon and they all just casually take a trip to the moon to find it (no big deal, grampies got a rocket ship!) and that fricking shop owner is somehow…
I’m pretty sure several actual professional porn performers have made real sex-ed videos, which honestly, I could have definitely used 30 years ago. But this... this is disturbing. Making porn for your kids? I think I vomited in my mouth just typing that. If anything, that’s a sure way to ruin the idea of sex for the…
I... er... what now?
Gawd, yes. That’s the other thing that disturbs the hell out of me whenever I watch shows with talking animals. Where’s the line between sentient dominant animal and slave animal? Fish and ducks in Peppa Pig are still unevolved, but swine are sentient? I have so many questions. Granted, almost 12 years of parenthood…
Honestly, anymore it’s mostly just rabid anger at the world thinly veiled as sarcasm.
Yup. To be clear, I was being rhetorical. The answer is always the same with these kinds of people.
Yea, the stupidest/worst thing that happened with that whole thing was Clinton’s idiotic behavior afterwards. Just stand up, say “Yes, I did that.” Apologize if you feel it’s appropriate and move on. It was just a fucking blow job, that America was so appalled just shows how backwards we are. Of course, seeing the…