NondescriptMaleThing (assume sarcasm)

I always knew there was something not right about those damn pigs and assorted other talking animals. I had thought it was the weird episode where the wolf family moved in next door and the wolf dad kept making jokes about how his kind ate pig kind, because *ho ho ho* murdering and eating your neighbors is comedy gold

I haven’t played it a whole lot, but I actually like Underworld Ascendant. It’s weird and rough and feels old school in a way that appeals to me. I love the System Shock games, but I’m always suspicious of these way-late-to-the-party sequels. 

In other completely shocking news, water makes things wet, Trump’s a racist, and I’m still depressed.

That seems to be a very common defense among the truly awful.

I think a lot of people are probably very happy Epic stepped in, until, you know, we discover they too are awful.

This is almost certainly a completely true and disturbing statement.

WTF. Like... seriously. WTF. I never paid attention to any social aspects of Steam, but holy shit. This “hands off” bullshit is why the gaming and tech industry are the shit holes they are now. Ol’ Gabe needs to grow a damn spine and some balls. Although at this point, one might really wonder if he claim this “hands

Yea, this game is great. Been playing it a few weeks now. It’s really worth noting how clever the design is outside of just lots of shooting. The game has a genius progression system, where it unlocks itself bit by bit the more you play. New modes, options, skins, etc... The more you play, the more you get. I love

It’s not hard really, just a matter of spices like all sausage. My dad used to use an old recipe from, erm, a now very-disgraced (and dead) TV show cook, but I decided I wanted more flavor, so sort of treated them like we make beef meatballs. Essentially, you get a lot of ground pork, add fennel seeds, bay leaf in

My gaming PC rig would need an even longer cable, but since I got a mesh Wi-Fi, the performance definitely jumped. I still say the ShieldTV is the finest streaming device on the market, especially for 4K. Even in comparison to the Xbox One X, it still performs better (and is totally silent and eats very little power).

Been doing this on and off on the Shield TV for several years now. You can get it to mirror, run Steam TV, and various things, but yea, on my network at least, it can be rough. But when it works decently, it’s pretty awesome. Although, I’m not sure about your not having a 4K TV. That just seems weird, man.

I live in WV. Everyone here owns guns. Growing up, I’d go to some other kid’s house and see shit like the entire wall of the living room covered in the goddamn things. It was creepy. I probably haven’t been target shooting in 12 or so years, since my best bud who got me into it perished. But should I need to defend

As a writer type (not famous or particularly amazing at it), I can say that writers aren’t really intimidating unless they’re just arrogant assholes who believe in their own bs (in which case, just freely make fun of them). Writers in general are people happy to chat about whatever, especially talking shop with others

Look, maybe I’m a jerk, but don’t be nice to this idiot. Tell him straight up you think his constant bitching about the woman who birthed a child with him is annoying as shit, he seems abusive, and if he’s so angry about “having” to get married, just don’t. You choose to do these things, so he can either man the hell

Companies in this industry loathe to take any responsibility for anything, but at some point, we should treat any industry that revolves around children much like we do teachers and childcare providers in this regard. If you’re in a community leader role and see signs of abuse/harassment, report it just as a teacher

Based on that expression, I can only assume he is actually hugging the flag to hide the fact that he just pissed himself.

That bird knows what’s up. I’d forgotten about that golden moment too.

Fair point. That asshole loves cheap and meaningless gestures like fake flag waving.

I might be on a retro kick, playing Overwhelm, the Messenger, and Dead Cells on Switch. Also DoA6, because why not? And, oh yea, I am playing with smart lights, so many smart lights for professional and personal reasons. Also, that 8BitDo Genesis controller is fantastic, which is really why I’m playing retro-style

I believe this 100% without even hesitating. That the game hasn’t led to murder yet is a damn miracle. Unless it has, which wouldn’t surprise me.