NondescriptMaleThing (assume sarcasm)

I just ordered a Steam Deck since they’re onsale, so hopefully don’t immediately get buyer’s remorse because there’s a shinier alternative. 

My wife recently got a Pixma and has been having issues the whole way. The software is a pain, connections spotty, scanning reliably has been a mess, and actual support help lacking. But this is still a pretty impressive statement about just how messed up Canon must be as a whole to have created an entire cottage scam

With that pic and the quotes, I feel like I’m reading about some cyberpunk-meets-Twilight Zone cult horror story.

Seeing this officially cancelled is the best news I’ve seen in a while. The first one was just appallingly awful.

Huh. They really do look like adorbs baby dragons. 

I checked the date. It is not April 1st. Does not compute.

Not having ever been a reader of this character even in my Marvel heydays, I saw that name and just... yea... that’s just... nope. 

I actually didn’t think Taika had much of anything to do with the show at all, even from the start. I only watched the full run recently and was blown away by just how damn great it is. It’s one of the most entertaining comedy shows I’ve ever seen on TV, period. It just works for me. So, hopefully, whoever is leading

When Jermaine Clement says he’s not working on WWDITS anymore, does that mean he’s exited the show entirely or that the show is done after S4? Did I miss some tidbit of horrible news?

That is an equally valid choice and one used at least several times over the years in sitcoms and, well, many other things. I think the fixation about Yojimbo is directly related to my memory of originally seeing 10 Things I Hate About You mixed with, perhaps, Superbad, which are two of the only movies about HS I have

Re: Rebel Moon... I was just thinking the other day we haven’t had another remake of Seven Samurai in a while and were surely due one. I’m still holding out hope for that studio call to greenlit my idea for remaking Yojimbo as a fun high school rom com though.

This would really be the perfect Gunn jam, absolutely. I’m boggled Disney and Ryan Reynolds haven’t moved on it already. I could be mistaken, but I thought the DP movies did well enough to more than warrant greenlighting this yesterday.

This is what I keep saying. It’s brilliant how Gunn managed this move. I loved his SS squad movie and the show is just a constant joy to watch. I would never want Gunn to touch a mainstream tentpole character like Superman, Spidey, or Batman, but he’s a bizarre genius with the weird disposable stuff.

You can install and run Steam on Chromebooks now and it works pretty darn swell, with some issues that have a lot to do with the version of Linux Google makes the OS use by default. So, getting controllers (especially wireless) and any extra storage to work with Chrome Linux has been damn near impossible. And of

That’s a common misconception, but actually (*ahem*) Ice fish should normally live in nice warm vibrant waters whereas Greenfish would actually prefer to live in the icy wastes! It’s Viking logic! 

I now eagerly await being able to buy 10 EM wave-scanning sensors for Pi and Arduino for about $8.50 from AliExpress. Plus 8-12 weeks or so shipping.

Regarding the update on this breaking news, is the takeaway from Stewart backpeddling potential proof that Rowlings now has at least one Jewish friend or is her Twitter/PR mafia so powerful he was literally threatened into making an additional statement? Because, I’m not sure how else one dives to the conclusion that

I was never a huge fan of Returns, partially because Batman outright murders a guy by shoving a bomb in his pants and knocking him into a sewer hole, but that movie had one scene that I still remember as so thoroughly unexpected, great, and, I suppose, small or quiet that I always thought it elevated how hero movies

Given that in WV we actually get charged a fee for owning a hybrid/electric car, this is not shocking at all. The man is a travesty, but pretty much all the elected officials here are just blatantly corrupt to the point of lunacy.

As someone who saw Aliens and the original Predator in the theater and became instantly enamored with them as the coolest sci-fi monsters ever (certainly in the top three. I also adore the Thing and, though sketchy b-movie, the original Critters, among a few others), it’s been hard to be a fan of either series since.