I too have trouble with doors... and stairs... but, like, in real-life. When I tried Apex Legends just to see, I didn’t even see any doors in the weird outdoor level I was haplessly tromping through.
I too have trouble with doors... and stairs... but, like, in real-life. When I tried Apex Legends just to see, I didn’t even see any doors in the weird outdoor level I was haplessly tromping through.
Obnoxious shit stains... The other games writer was 110% correct. These idiotic assholes have legitimized those hate-mongering gater-type jerkoffs’ views doing this. The damage done here is insane. I’m honestly at a loss, as I really like the Darksiders, de Blob, and other former THQ games, but this is a bridge too…
There was a time when I could beat damn near anything twitchy in olden times, on NES, C64, Coleco, Amiga, SNES, Genesis, 3DO, etc... Now I play those retro games and realize that they were largely hard because controllers and game responsiveness were mostly crap back and we somehow just accepted/adapted it. I have…
The older I get (which, yea, is oldish) the more important the purpose of the game I’m playing becomes. I haven’t been able to get into AC in a while, because that vastness does feel largely empty to me. I’m a single-player gamer who has specific tastes in themes, settings, and stories I want to experience. I like…
Once, a human member of my household who shall not be named dumped a bunch of rice down the disposal... That was a fun fix project to come home to after work and have to deal with. And then there was the time a small human dumped a bunch of sand down the drain, because that seemed like a good idea... Parenting has…
My standard goes the other way. If a game is in almost anyway a Dark Souls thing, I know to avoid it. I don’t know what kinda carefree duty-free existence you DS people lead, but I sure as hell don’t have the time or inclination to try the same damn boss 100 times. And when I am in that situation and finally beat it,…
First of all, Jupiter Ascending is just bad. Bad. And Samoas are good. Good! Beyond that, I know another writer of the non-pasty persuasion who wrote a completely innocuous article about the history of black superheroes in the last couple decades of movies. It was mostly just a tame listicle piece, but the assholes of…
Blizzard said he was straight? I doubt it. Plus, really, it’s the future, where everyone is gonna be pan, so it don’t matter.
It’s absurdly fun, and crazy fast and smooth. It’s getting a big update soon as well according to the dev. I do wish it was a bit more Outrun-ish with an infinite linear track, but when I asked them about it, they remarked they were actually going for Top Gear-style gameplay (Kemco classic SNES racer I’d otherwise…
Crackdown 3 probably. I started playing the first Bayonetta on Switch again. Devil Engine, Devil Warders, some other stuff. I’ve been playing a lot of Horizon Chase Turbo, which is superb retro racing fun, and really enjoying Degrees of Separation.
I feel we can all agree Bowzer was always the man for the job, even under this obvious bit of pseudonym subterfuge.
Hmm, well you can skip through them and, unless my memory is really playing tricks on me, there’s almost no actual voice acting... So, he could just press the button to get through the boring bits of dialogue as fast as possible. It’s not exactly an high-minded, intellectual plot by any means. If he watches the shows,…
No, the geese in America are assholes too. But there’s a secret. Like most animals, they can sense fear and capitalize on it, so never be afraid of them. In fact, go out of your way to remind the little bastards that all they’re really just (American) footballs with a handle. Funny thing I’ve discovered over the…
Damn. I want one... I’m not sure why exactly, but I just do.
I still have mine!
As someone who has been both a video games and movie journalist, I can absolutely confirm there are in fact too many lily-white nerd boys covering this stuff. Myself included. Brie is absolutely correct and more diverse voices in all media/art coverage/criticism is vital for any of it to actually evolve and improve.
Your hospital had wifi good enough to game with?!?
The first time I saw Office Space, I didn’t realize it was going to be a horrible documentary for my future existence. Pretty much everything in that movie about life in IT is just as valid today as it was in ‘99. It’s horrifyingly accurate.
Compared to most licensed games, yea it doesn’t suck. Especially compared to the last attempt at a DreamWorks Dragons tie-in (that terrible dragon racing game for the second movie). I gotta say though, there is *way* too much exposition in this game. So much clunky dialogue you have to wade through to get moving and…
I thought about the PSP-only ones after I made my initial comment. Were they ever released on any other platform? I wouldn’t mind revisiting those. I remember in Origins being highly amused I could stick things like TV and hospital drip stands in my inventory like I had a creepy Trenchcoat of Holding.