NondescriptMaleThing (assume sarcasm)

I had no idea the game supported 3D (on the PS3, I’m assuming). It’s a damn shame everyone was so quick to jump on the ‘I hate 3D’ bandwagon, as I always found the at home experience vastly better than the theater. For games, on the PS3, there were some truly amazing examples of it—Killzone 3, Uncharted, WipeOut,

I know it’s heresy to a lot of gamers, but I liked the two Western-design Silent Hill better than any since the original. They felt more interesting and cohesive to me, and just had more enjoyable stories. 

I actually booted this up on my Dreamcast not that long ago, when I had a retrogaming bout of nostalgia (and wanted to check out ways to hook my DC/Saturn to my 4K TV). It’s not a bad game, but it’s interesting to see how level design and mechanics have changed since then.

I think generally zombies don’t really scare anyone at this point. But I too played the Claire campaign and when Irons showed up, my first thought was, “They put a child molester in the zombie apocalypse? Well, of course they did.” I’m still not sure he isn’t one andCapcom just had the good sense not to confirm it. If

I’d play the shit outta this.

I’m a freelancer and I, too, have no mech suit. However, Devil Engine and Aragami on the Switch are both really damn great.

Amen, halleluiah! It’s way past time for a major overhaul in how games are made. 

For whatever reason, this looks a lot better to me than Hollow Knight, which I picked up after reading the 30th article where you shouted its virtues to the world. I actually kinda hated it. And I say this as someone who loves quite a few other games of this sort--especially the Guacamelee games (Guac 2 was really my

Tetris is really the only game where I truly love the multiplayer, so as soon as I found out about this last night, I downloaded it. First game, did pretty good, came in 38th. No horrid. Next game, much better--came in 11th. Third game, near as I can tell this one asshole kept flooding my screen with garbage and I

If your friends were really true and loving, they would all make the offending Yoshi the background picture on their phones too! That’s what real friends do!

I was vaguely excited by the prospect of FC5 prior to its release, hoping it would have something to say or, at least, give me an amusing way to vent my anger and frustration over the absurd state of the US... but it was so milquetoast, so bland, so... honestly, it felt more like a right-wing fantasy than anything

Frickin’ cultists.

A-Frickin’-Men. There’s 8 billion people on the planet. If it didn’t work because one of you is an asshole or, well, whatever other reason normal people have, just move the hell on. I may also be on the spectrum... or maybe just an asshole. Could go either way.

I can’t speak to romantic ghosting, as I’ve been married for... I don’t know... a hundred years or so, but social ghosting is another matter. Parent “friends” do this constantly, because life. You have to put effort into maintaining relationships and, frankly, once you have all these other responsibilities, you

I almost developed epilepsy just watching that.

It’s funny. Almost all the people I know say they can’t/won’t play horror games for similar reasons. Honestly, I don’t get it, even in VR, the most you might “worry” about are jump scares and those get old fast. I’m 8 hours into RE2 and there were two jump scares that worked enough to be fun. Tyrant isn’t scary so

Still trudging through Resident Evil 2. I tried Apex Legends last night and can confirm it is indeed yet another BR game... blah. My Switch backlog is getting extreme, so I should probably play that more. Hoping to check out the intriguing-looking Genesis Alpha One as well.

Irony also bounces right off them like bullets on Superman. It’s remarkable really what you can accomplish with no working central nervous system.

Charging money to watch other people play D&D is a thing now, eh? The contrast between this and my 80s childhood playing AD&D is astounding. Do idiot Christian fundies still at least accuse them of worshipping the devil because they play?

See, I started off as a freelance writer and sure as hell wish I’d done pretty much anything else. Anyone tells me they want to be a writer now, I just shake my head. It’s a terrible job. And worse, if you have that urge, you’re just compelled to do it anyway. 26 years after my first magazine assignment, I literally