NondescriptMaleThing (assume sarcasm)

I’ve been playing this one a lot lately (working it in around work and child-free time) and, man, some of the crap in this game is just annoying. I have trouble believing anyone finds any horror game frightening, though RE2 has a couple effective jump scares if you aren’t paying attention, but Tyrant... Tyrant is just

Or don’t because Cilantro tastes like nasty soap!

Dude. My hearing is garbage nowadays, which is a big issue for me at, say, work meetings and I’m also colorblind (color vision deficient is more accurate. I don’t see in B&W at least), but I wouldn’t use either of those terms unless I was being ironic. Color challenged, at least, has some humor value--as looking at

I remembered to have my Xbox download it before I left for work this morning and I felt exactly the same. Looking at the footage and reading the description, I’m confused why anyone is even suggesting this is a TF game. And that’s made the whole thing even worse, frankly.

This is horrible news and I blame you entirely, Jason!

But will there be an open bar?

This alone should have shaken his supporters in government even if they are all misogynistic shit stains. He’s a pathetic sniveling coward who cracks under the slightest pressure. Why would you want a vote for that on your permanent record?

I believe she meant to say, “When it comes to history, I am the bee’s knees, bitches.” 

Observer is the 7th as far as I know. Also, it’s a great game and the Switch port is surprisingly well done. I still prefer to play it on the Xbox One X, but they did a really good job with such a hefty game. Also, it seems to suck battery life faster than most games. Not sure exactly, but that was my... observation.

I’m here all week, folks! Remember to tip your waitstaff!

You know it. Afterwards, them cockles be all like...

Hmmm. Your argument... it is compelling to me. I may reconsider.

Awww. Such delicate wittle Steam-flakes. Someone collect their tears so that I might percolate my coffee with them.

Oh...Oooo... Now that you mention it, I would totally get “Le Creuset” and “KitchenAid” permanently etched into my skin if I was gonna get a tattoo.

Sony screwed an otherwise amazing portable that way. Hell, I recently bought a 256GB microSD card for my Switch, but buying a 128 GB Vita card is way out of my price range.

I don’t know... in terms of getting a tattoo that has personal deep meaning, a symbol of one’s love for their grill seems like a pretty solid idea. I know I love mine. Yes, I do. I wuv you so much, little grillie. 

For the record, I was not attempting to get anywhere near your... cockles.

That is truly the sign of literary quality! I mean, I guess it’s like cold and dark and full of bears up there, right? So, maybe after a while, living in the secluded wilderness, things start to become appealing that, you know, might not normally be.

Start with bears and work your way down. It’s a wonderful rabbit hole of literary insanity.

I know about these things because my wife is a lovely mixture of obscenely over-educated and crazy smart, but still smut-loving between reading endless books on history, society, science, child development and parenting, and whatever catches her fancy that night and absurdly outrageous “romance” novels and a lot of