Nunna Yorz - American Justice Is A Joke

Cool. Let me phrase it a little differently so you don’t feel like I’m singling you out when that was never my intent:

I’m not attacking you

“This is so sick and I don’t see how this isn’t viewed as a direct threat.”

Helped? The cops are probably Klan members and they used their taxpayer-funded jobs and equipment to doxx peaceful protesters. Expect nothing to come from this, except a few protesters will probably quietly be arrested and charged for some minor unrelated offense because the cops want to drive home their intimidation.

16. From Ashy to Classless: A Rags to Rags Story

Scott’s a little too smart to go out like Candace. This article implies that he’s a clown because he just said a clown-ass thing but he’s a competent sycophant. I want to make a human centipede out of Tim Scott, Daniel Cameron, Clarence Thomas, and David Clarke. Just put a white ass at the front and they’ll all sign

That’s just not a good look. Oberlin is pretty close to Cleveland, and they have a Black student population (granted its only like 5% but still). They could have included black students, or gotten Black local artists involved. I wonder how this mayo-glazed celebration of Black art went. I’d love to see the Dolezal wing

This podcast is further confirmation that advanced degrees don’t equate to intelligence. In order to spout the bullshit these doctors did, they had to ignore data and facts. Scientifically trained professionals ignored data in favor of pushing their own white nonsense, in a peer-reviewed journal read by other medical

With no real solution offered but a condescending shrug and a “well we just need to find a candidate who can win in WV” or “WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A REPUBLICAN!?”

The cheerleading from the people here who are just treating it like team sports is really weird. They remind of of Patriots fans. The team can do no wrong, even when they’re wrong. Then there are the paid PR people. One revealed themselves to me yesterday. Feels like there are only about 10 real or so people here and

I know what’s in the bill, and I’ll leave it to the writers and editors here to decide what they want to mention. That “maybe” however is a problem. Stunts like that don’t look good. It makes the Dems look weak, as if they know they’re not doing well so they have to do PR to upsell it. It’s also offensive because this

*Sigh* I guess I should take that as a given but it seems so pointless to me.

But wypipo gonna wypipo. “

Your second paragraph reflects my understanding that theory. I said it poorly. The next part is just why I stay frustrated with them, and the amount of people I see just somehow loving it. Your last sentence though, is a hulluva mood. I was so close to applying for a remote worker VISA last year. I researched

“I believe the ask should be that you redouble your productive efforts; being a little happy just makes that easier.”

“And here I thought being a White Supremacist was a requirement for military and law enforcement jobs.”

Damn near every time we try to organize it’s considered a hate group. Police departments across the country surveilled BLM protests all summer. Don’t forget that 2018-19 nonsense from Jeff Sessions and the Trump admin about how Black identity extremist groups were supposed to be such a big threat. Then there’s the

The line next to my username will never stop being true.

But-but, we have to be happy for the little Sinema will agree to. It’s more than we would have gotten otherwise. Isn’t that enough? /s