Nunna Yorz - American Justice Is A Joke

There are some, like the paid schills on this site. Just read certain stories and you’ll see the same commenters showing up just to attack the messenger.

Ok this is pretty sickening. The DoJ, which reports directly to Biden, is trying to get lawsuits against state-sanctioned injustices dismissed. And Biden, the person who can simply order them to stop is not taking any action. So the president-who is in charge of the DoJ-and the Democrats as a party are ok with the

Why do ya’ll love feeding the trolls?

There’s really not much of anything here. The headline and the beginning of the story made it sound like Erin from The Office was burning crosses and shit. Nope, she attended some corny debutante ball thing that has a racist past. Most of the US has a racist past.

“Right now, the commissioner hires them, trains them, asks them to go in harm’s way to keep New Yorkers safe and if an officer breaks the rules, I discipline them and if necessary fire them,” New York Police Commissioner Dermot Shea told CNN. “If I am not doing that the right way, I am accountable. The buck stops

Fuck her. She’s clearly the result of a lifetime of being a trash-ass excuse of a human, or just a basic white chick (AKA part of the 55% that voted for Trump last year). Punching her isn’t gonna teach her shit. It’ll just make ammo for her next round of IG fuckery. Whatever Black man fucked her multiple times needs

I agree that these orgs are supposed to be acting in the best interest of the community, but we know that isn’t always the case. I also agree that Until Freedom and Tamika Mallory don’t owe Rice anything personally. Still it doesn’t sit right with me to invoke the names of victims-especially in the case of underaged

HOO BOY is there some just plain awful trolling of late. Like, from a quality standard.”

This is tough. On one hand activism should always be encouraged, but on the other we’ve seen so many charitable/activist orgs go the wrong way. Money doesn’t get to the people they’re supposed to be helping, or the org cares more about its own PR, etc.

Because that’s what he does. His whole entire schtick is well-worded, well-reasoned, whataboutism. It’s always got to be something other than it is. This shit isn’t even addressed to us. It’s for other white people. They’re the ones who respond to that shit.

Also what are we Freeing Haiti from?

The thing that responded to you first is a troll. It started a little flame war in another post not long before this one. You can look at its comment history. I’d recommend dismissal on sight.

*Reads article. Reads stupid flame war in comments.*

I noticed the exodus too but I’m not sure what drove it. I’m just about done here myself. Between the trolls and the democratic propaganda it’s not worth the time. I could just go watch cable news.

You tend to get what you pay for with tech (that’s why FL and other states got hacked; they didn’t invest in security). Clearly this isn’t a priority for the corporate overlords, and it must not be a small easy fix. My guess: There was some discussion/meetings about the issue, and when they asked what it would take to

I’m torn on how I’d feel about them turning off comments here. On one hand there are a handful of funny and smart people that I like reading and interacting with. On the other, that handful of people are the outliers and the majority of the comment section is generic snark, racist trolls, and political tone police. I

The link to the excerpt I pasted didn’t come through.

I knew the movie wasn’t going to live up to the first one but I still enjoyed it. It was a little on the cheesy side for me but the trip down memory lane, the cameos, and some of the new jokes made up for it. You could tell everybody there was having a good-ass time. 

Good that she got approved for the new job over at HUD. Too bad they didn’t take advantage of her background in agriculture and offer the position she wanted and is best suited for, Secretary of Agriculture. I don’t know why they brought back Tom Vilsack, who is seen as problematic by some of the very black farmers