Nunna Yorz - American Justice Is A Joke

Is it just me or do people show up to articles like this just to do spin control

Points for sticking to your message.

If you want to start going after people on that list, great. That’s more helpful than spinning this watered-down, not-close-to-far-enough bill as a good thing. Throw some Dems on that list too. Post the phone numbers to their offices. Maybe Manchin and Sinema need to hear from their constituents.

I saw that. Sinema and Manchin are gonna be the downfall of the Dems. They’re going to vote with Republicans most of the time, and push against any real change. Then in the next Congressional election the Republicans are gonna go right back to their usual routine of saying “See? Those do-nothing Dems can’t govern.

But something tells me that Manchin’s constituents, while probably benefiting greatly, don’t want “government handouts”.”

There’s no need to defend the bill to me. I get the point and agree that technically something’s better than absolutely nothing. I’m just sick and tired of being told that, especially in a crisis. And I’m even more tired of people defending it. Demand better.

Yup, eat a shit sandwich and technically you won’t be starving anymore.

Why are you gray?

I don’t know how to feel when someone actually kinda owns up to, or is held accountable for their racism. It’s such a rare thing. I guess I’ll just take it as a little feel-good Friday treat.

He wasn’t doing a good deed. The thing people are clowning him for is the fact that he acted like super thug and ran with them until the pressure got to be too much. We’re not clowning him for simply snitching. Its the hypocrisy of going that far and then snitching. If I roll around in mud with pigs, its ridiculous

i 100% back outing hypocrites.”

This must be the first natural disaster ever that didn’t result in a surge in birth rates and that is amazing.”

To be fair most of us aren’t policy nerds or poli-sci majors. Even with a healthy understanding our system is still... complicated. The spread of misinformation, the elements of our society that embrace conspiracies, and the anti-education crowd don’t help either. There’s also the very justifiable frustration that a

There’s a word that really bugged me with Ya’ll Qaeda, and it pains me to see Black people calling themselves the same thing. Legally speaking, they are not a militia. Neither are the III Percenters or any other armed group. A group of armed civilians is just that. The only official militia recognized by any state or

Earlier this week, in a now-deleted social media post, Tekashi69 (also known as 6ix9ine, colloquially) uploaded a screenshot of an article headline that read, “China Makes COVID-19 Anal Swabs Mandatory for Foreigners” and added the caption, “Lil Nas X has entered the chat.” This was clearly a homophobic swipe at the

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Still, I think you’re romanticizing something that’s a skeevy bathhouse meetup of Dems, at best.”

Ok, you wanna learn for yourself. This person talks at others. They don’t listen or change their bad takes. Others have tried.

Maybe enough to cover all the average city PD’s pay out in abuse settlements.

Dismiss the dipshit. It lives for these stupid arguments it likes to try to start.

Don’t bother. I tried before. It has nothing to say but it wants the world to know. Look at its history. When it’s not shit-posting here it’s on Kotaku. It’s just an inarticulate contrarian.