Nunna Yorz - American Justice Is A Joke

Particularly the NCAA. I won’t begrudge people for wanting to play sports but the orgs that run college sports are corrupt and exploitative as fuck.

That’s not a low blow. Football is life there. They even gamble on, and tailgate to high school games, so...

Funny how the people calling other countries shitholes are turning this country into one.

Devin Nunes, Josh Hawley, Kevin McCarthy....

Football coaching staff are usually some of the highest paid government employees in any state.

I feel bad for the athletes because I know they just want to compete but, these donors clearly see them more like property than people and that’s exactly why they need to have their fragile little world views challenged.

I’m just not sure what to make of him. There’s a long list of speech excerpts where he’s presented as a hero of the abolitionist movement, and then there are quotes like the one I cited above where Black people clearly weren’t people deserving of freedom to him if it was politically expedient.

“Lincoln fought to preserve the Union for the sole purpose of maintaining the country’s economic stability.”

There’s a quote from Lincoln where he said that if he could preserve the union by freeing all/some/none of the slaves he would. Lincoln was an apathetic pragmatist at best.

Was anybody checking for TI like that in Ant-Man 3? It would have been news if they said Luis wasn’t coming back, but TI? Just another Disney franchise actor who’s also a trash person. Him and Gina Carano should team up for their own movie and call it The Unemployables.

I remember reading that people were caught with drugs at roughly the same rates across races. There was never any justification for Stop and Frisk other than racism.

I thought we were talking about national politics, not state and local.”

People who think that Massachusetts can’t be racist because it’s politically blue have obviously never gone to a Red Sox game”

Not curious to me. We now have how many generations of white people that have been raised to romanticize the old south? Then there are the deep ties between slave patrols and law enforcement. We never stomped that shit out so of course it spread.

That term doesn’t mean anything anymore. Ya’ll Qaeda thinks they’re patriots. They draped themselves in flag gear or painted it on their bodies because they worship that same flag. 

Massachusetts really isn’t the deep blue Democratic haven it’s presented as. Once you leave greater Boston, Worcester, and Springfield to a lesser extent, things turn bright red. Trump barely lost some districts in the last election. Also, MA has a proud history of racism. Walking distance from the State House and a

“Exactly how is this problematic? Law makers can’t just force their beliefs on others. No matter what a lawmaker believes, it takes a whole lot of them vote bills into actual law.

First of all these white people (maybe parents, maybe students, maybe both) were trolling because the rules for remote learning are pretty much the same as working. If you can’t do it at the job you can’t do it at home. I can’t be on Zoom calls with my boss while I’m mixing cocktails, and racists can’t advertise

Yeah you’re right. I gotta stop skimming. It’s a bad habit. I kinda see the distinction being drawn but, Wanda Sykes was a woman with her own late night network talk show. I guess adding a qualifier like ‘nightly’ talk show host would have helped grease my brain gears, but I get it.

Over the summer when the protests were at their peak she kept it a buck in her commentary. Aside from the humor, that hit home for me. I hope people watch because I catch some of the clips on Youtube and it’s pretty good.