“Speaking of The Late Show, its former host, Joan Rivers was the last woman to host her own network late night show in over 30 years until Lilly Singh debuted A Little Late With Lilly Singh in 2019.”
“Speaking of The Late Show, its former host, Joan Rivers was the last woman to host her own network late night show in over 30 years until Lilly Singh debuted A Little Late With Lilly Singh in 2019.”
You’ll likely never be quick enough to keep up with them. They live for it. When there’s a chance to relive 2016 or do some pointless liberal trolling, they’re there. They hear stories like this, and it sounds like somebody’s blowing one of those old battle conches and they come running.
All that was posted about 5 minutes before your post.
Lol @ that last line of shade. Nominating Young shouldn’t hurt the Democrats. They can still play up her identity as the first Black, woman, head of OMB.
For him as a Dem in IL, its an unnecessarily bad look. He and his office clearly have their heads up their asses if they think this is gonna do anything for him or his constituents. This schtick plays better in the Bible Belt.
“where did they get those ideas from?”
You attracted one of my regular trolls with this innocuous comment. You’ll know when you really hit it big when they start calling you a Nazi.
Right after he finishes drafting his next bill to ban vinyl records because he heard they’re Satanic when played backwards.
Everything the ungreyed troll said is wrong. It’s all recycled, tired, white nationalist bullshit that’s not worth the energy it takes to refute it. The line about smuggled pharmaceuticals? Another lie. There’s no big international rx drug trade because the pharmaceutical companies put it on the streets themselves…
“Unfortunately the further this nation gets away from God”
I’m old enough to remember Tipper Gore riding the video game paranoia craze back in the 90s. They thought Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat were going to have my entire generation destroying cars with just punches and kicks. They thought we’d all be ripping people’s heads and spines off their bodies, or pulling off our…
That’s the conventional thinking. I don’t recall names off the top of my head but there are several Dems in Congress that vote more conservative than their constituents when polled. I wonder how those districts would vote if the Democrats backed a candidate that better reflected them.
Shhhhh... You’re interrupting the circle jerk.
I am because he does more wrong than right. He’s still a conserva-Dem who, like his Republican counterparts is standing in the way of much needed change. Let’s stop accepting the bare minimum as good enough.
Rather than trying to herd cats, the Democrats need to promote better candidates in those districts. Promote candidates that better reflect the party and people’s priorities and the Dems won’t have to get them in line. They’ll already be there.
“Yeah, I mean... Tanden is the hill you want to die on? Team nobody there... If they want a toxic shitposter at the head of OMB, just pick a random commenter from here.”
I see it a little different. I think the Republicans are weak for being such willing suckers for authoritarianism. When one or some of them are wrong, they all fight for the right to be wrong. I think this highlights why people like Manchin and Cinema need to go. There’s no major difference between Manchin/Cinema…
Manchin was right to vote no on Tanden, but not because she sent tweets that hurt fragile white feelings or whatever. Despite that being what the Dems want, we the pubic really don’t need more corporatists, even if they have a D next to their names.
Yeah I’d be curious to see the grand jury’s records because, unless they set some ridiculous constraints for the charges these cops should have at least caught a case. They should have walked after the trial like most murderous cops do.