Nunna Yorz - American Justice Is A Joke

I’m not a cinephile but I didn’t know so many iconic Black actors can trace their roots back to Turner’s company. That’s really impressive. Another example of Black excellence finding ways to thrive despite living in a racist society.

I’m not a cinephile but I didn’t know so many iconic Black actors can trace their roots back to Turner’s company. That’s really impressive. Another example of Black excellence finding ways to thrive despite living in a racist society.

“Big fan of Kevin Michael Richardson. Although it’s unfortunate that he and Phil Lamarr voice like 75% of the black characters in animation.”

Pharoahe Monch could not be reached for comment.

Damn, and still not even a shoutout to the sycophants who really put in work trying to be the best of the good ones, like Tim Scott, Daniel Cameron, Ja’ron Smith, and Lil Wayne? Not even gonna have Jason Whitlock do another sit down with Trump to talk about how the “Deep State” conspired to steal the election because

Unforeseeable to anybody white. For the rest of us it was just another Wednesday in America.

I mean, I took Candace Owens’ appearance as a given. Although she might be nearing the end of her self life too.

Young Pharaoh tweeted that he’s being “censored” and noted, “I feel like I’m being silenced. I feel like my rights are being violated.” It should be noted that CPAC’s theme this year is “America Uncanceled.

I think I’m gonna opt for the blueprints. I can go back and set myself up pretty nicely. It was your idea so I’ll invest in some stocks for you too. Plus I can go find Fred Trump’s Klan rally attending ass, catch him in a dark alley, and punt his nuts to the moon before he ever has a chance to make Donald. You’re

Just a reminder that we are already past 500k deaths in the US. The official number is an undercount thanks to several states that lied or falsely reported their numbers over the last 11 months. We won’t know the real death toll until after the pandemic is over and we’re able to do some analytics. As tragic as this

“I will say Heidi’s pretty pissed at that,” Cruz said about the group text leak where his wife asked friends to flee to Cancun with them amid the “FREEZING” temps, he said on the Ruthless podcast which aired Tuesday, the New York Post reports.

Live and learn. It’s not easy let go of people you were close to. At the same time more people need to question why they continue to associate with and vote for people who they say don’t reflect their values.

“Even in the beginning though, I remember liking the dignity and self-respect of Queen Latifah’s U.N.I.T.Y and even KRS-One’s wife Miss Melody dancing in his videos - and the intense trolling they both got from Black men.”

What rapper/hiphop artist HASN’T made at least one anti-Black Woman anthem?”

“I’d bet a majority of them found him personally or politically distasteful in some way, but had absolutely no qualms about voting for him anyway.”

Can Snoop, Meek, Talib Kweli, and Dr Dre just go ahead form a misogynistic rap super group already?

Nah, just like all Ya’ll Qaeda recording themselves attacking the capitol and taking selfies with traitorous cops and shit, he just believes in white supremacy that much. They think they’re so right and righteous that they won’t face any consequences. They really think they’re doing hero’s work. And that’s the problem

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He could’ve avoided all this if he just had an Ensure, a smile, and shut the fuck up.

Point taken, but we gotta work on your acronym game.