
But that doesn’t even make sense, because the Homeworld Gems thought that Rose and the others were all corrupted and gone. I mean, Rose didn’t necessarily know that, but after 5000 years of radio silence from Homeworld, it would have been pretty clear that was the case. What would she be escaping from? She had already

Is that really what people think? I watch this show with my kids and what got me hooked on it was “Lion 2” where you first learn about her (stated) motivations. I was kind of shocked there was such a nuanced exploration of what parenthood means (yes! you do give up so much of yourself and see things through different

Maybe it’s just fandoms doing what fandoms do and trying to make everything in their kids’ shows darker, but I hate the notion that’s sprung up recently that Rose gave birth (or as some people phrase it horribly, “committed suicide) to Steven as some sort of escape to avoid any retribution. It pops up in threads every

the fact that you refer to adults as “grown ups” reveals your true age. or at the very least your level of maturity. Get out of here kid.

Hilariously one of the musicians is wearing a shirt on Rebbeca Sugar’s instagram that is supposed to depict all the Crystal Gems’ gems.

Father of videogames... Pff... He’s not even that.

Yeah, we didn’t have one since August 2017.

Thanks for the laugh. It’s preety obvious by your comments here what’s your real place in the political spectrum. Socialist my ass.

Here folks we got the typical deflection tactic popular amongst apologists, forgeting that most sane people are too old to belive in boogeymen. And also forgeting that this is about a series that is very open about the true face of right extremists since the 80s.

For voting Republican? No

This is actually not true- games used to be heavily censored back in the day, but it rarely ever happens these days, outside of third Reich imagery (swastikas and sig runes, mostly).

I mean if Trump and his supporters fit the bill then I’m not sure what to say? These games have always covered this subject manner it seems so...like idk what else to say aha.

Let’s celebrate by punching a Nazi in real life.

I enjoyed the KKK dialogue scene because it also demonstrates that even the allies of Fascism, the complicit ones, are never truly safe. Once Fascism has dealt with all the “undesirables” it will inevitably turn inward because it *NEEDS* an enemy. It has to have someone to hate, someone to subjugate, to survive. Are

Starfox2 is amazing because of how ambitious it is even by today’s standards. A game where you plot a defensive campaign across space and work your way towards the enemy base. Flying inside enemy ships, transforming your arwing to a walker (which controls really well) to blow up their reactor in a way that’s VERY

I’m surprised by the number of votes for Sim City. I love the game and all, but it doesn’t really strike me as a console game, nor that the SNES version is particularly popular.

They got a Fire Emblem game instead, so it’s not exactly a raw deal.

Earthbound is not on the Japanese mini.

I have more fun with S3&K than I have ever had with any Mario game (World probably being my favorite), but, you know, opinions.

$100 says we get an English translation of Mother 3 before Half-life 3 too.