
Can’t Trump just get out his Sharpie and draw it a new path? 

To quote Dorothy Parker:

No surprise that a man so desperate for respect would decide to not pay it to someone else, and instead sit home like a sullen teenager. 

Dive through it’s mouth, bust out it’s asshole. The Torpedo Maneuver. Ahoy hoy! 

We can’t get swept up in legitimate fear, because then it takes away from all the made-up fear that they generate.  The virus is a literal competitor to the GOP in this arena.


“We cannot get swept away in fear,”

You fucking moron, he was Prime Minister of New England. 

I think you misread that, it was saying Amin has been on the force for 21 years, not that he was 21 years old and a veteran.

The anxiety this sort of shit causes me is something I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life, but this absolute confirmation that I’m surrounded by fucking idiots and led by someone who would gladly kill literally everyone in the country if he thought it made him look good... it’s

Imagine going to a party in the middle of a plague in the country with the most cases of said plague, knowing that this increases your risk of catching aforementioned plague, and then getting mad that you weren’t IMMEDIATELY warned that you were exposed to the fucking plague.

It’s important to teach your children that life is horrifying and full of random tragedy at an early age.

That was covered in third year.

What are you talking about? They still wave the Confederate flag during the last lap.

Well, they needed something to replace the Confederate flag with, so there it is.

The US really has become a despicable country. 

Two officers suspended. I would expect every single officer who walks past an injured person wihtout making sure the person is getting help to be suspended.

Oh fuck you man. Are you proud of being a fucking troll? Does that make you happy? How fucking pathetic of you. What a useless life you lead. 

“Many of the foreign journalists appear confused about why cops would target reporters, something that typically only happens in strictly authoritarian countries.”