oh it's actually very theraputic
oh it's actually very theraputic
oh definitely, I just wanted to clear up the argument a little bit. I'm not arguing one way or the other
ehhhhhhhh the bigger is safer argument does have a physical merit. Bigger means more mass, so in a crash, that means your deceleration is less than that of a small car. Meaning all the squishy, unconstrained things inside your body are slamming in painful directions more slowly than in a smaller car. So in new cars…
awww mannn. I really like the sound of bees and low frequency shock waves waking me up at 3 am.
stay your tongue or I will have to cut it out
we all got a B in that class speigel, that's the big joke.
uhm, engineers?
uhm, engineers?
engineers I guess?
engineers I guess?
engineers I guess?
Have to hand it to chevy... there's a large portion of our population who are eating that blue-collar hero worship shit right up
only downside is that roundabouts aren't very compact, so in tight grids it could be a problem
about tree fiddy
is this for real or just a conspiracy theory? (albiet not a groundless one)
curious how much more efficient 4ways are when everyone rolls the stop sign like everyone does in real life when the cops are looking.
or you can find local businesses that have huge warehouse parking lots, then ask if they are cool with you running an auto x or something of the sort. Sometimes they're pretty cool about it and the worst they could say is no