Rocket Twat... I wish. I was more like Stonewall Pundendum. Nothing was getting through. Thankfully, once I started pumping I had more milk then I knew what to do with. Imagine a de-spectacled Cyclops of lactation. So again... small miracles.
Rocket Twat... I wish. I was more like Stonewall Pundendum. Nothing was getting through. Thankfully, once I started pumping I had more milk then I knew what to do with. Imagine a de-spectacled Cyclops of lactation. So again... small miracles.
No one is ever 'found innocent'. They're only found 'not guilty' which basically means 'not enough evidence to convict'. It could mean they're innocent, it could mean that there's no evidence.
The dead girl is dead. The other girl, the one who was victimized by the Italian government for several years and slut-shamed by the international media that whole time, is still alive and still suffering. At this point, I think the one who is still suffering is the one to be focused on, especially since the utterly…
The murder occurred in 2009 and they aren't saying anything negative or upsetting about the deceased. The article is about Amanda Knox and how she was made out to be a slut slut slut when really, she's very similar to the majority of us.
Twerking is stupid. I don't think there's anything ethically wrong with it, I just think it looks stupid.
I feel like the Madonna-Whore complex has gotten worse. You're shamed as a prude if you don't do this and you're shamed as a slut if you do. It might just be easier to go this route because it's more acceptable?
You would think she would be concerned about the significant cognitive and behavioral differences that may affect a young adolescent’s ability to raise a child.
What would you think about Mark Sanford if I told he he set fires as a child?
What would you think of Hillary Clinton if I told you her soul was split into two human bodies, one of which is that of an opium farmer in Afghanistan?
I really wish the title of this piece was "Someone Tried to Sexually Assault Danny Brown on Stage."
Hear, hear! I hate built in bras. They look terrible and do nothing. Just make the fabric less see through or I'll wear my own bra!
Really all I want to contribute to this conversation is that exercise tops with "built-in bras" are the patriarchy.
If she's so concerned, couldn't she hire a gentile to apply her makeup? I thought that was a thing, hiring gentiles (almost typed genitals there) to do work during the Sabbath.
She sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West. It's sort of an amazing image.
They are providing a service, sexual or not, what's the big deal if someone reviews that service? It's only a problem if you view sex as something either bad or sacred, neither of which are realistic, when people employ a gardener, they aren't buying the gardener, then why is it that people claim that people buy women…
Yeah. Dates who are like, "Hi, I just met you: start conforming to my perception of women," are the ones who are, six months in, demanding that you provide a calendar of your last six periods so they can chart when you're being irrational because of hormones (vs. when you're just being a bitch?). Or the ones who wake…
I dunno about the rest of you, but I"m *so glad* we have some dude-bros here hurrying over to tell us how this isn't a big deal and the pledges should just 'man up'. cos there's nothing like random internet dudes telling a bunch of women what is and isn't inappropriate! thanks random dudes! my poor ladybrain is *so*…
Wait she goes abroad where English is not their first language and condemns them for not being able to "spell an American name?"