
ri59 is correct here. I used to work at a full service gas station that was only a few miles from the fuel depot. All the gas comes to the depot out of the same pipe, in fact, all the fuel that flows into the depot comes from the same pipe, whether it be 87 Octane or diesel.

Same here, finding the "top" of the USB cable is easy. Determining which side of the USB port is the "top" is where the difficulty lies. Especially hard if it's on the back of a desktop and you're reaching around from the front.

Could someone explain in lay terms how all this patent/license nonsense happened? What is the actual patent and how has Samsung infringed on it?

I'm 100% behind you on this one. The more I've used G+ the more I've really started to like it. It's cleaner, easier and less confusing. There's a much better signal:noise ratio. The feature set is well though-out.

I'm with you on this one. G+ has great features and certainly add more in the near future. Additionally, I like how much cleaner it looks. FB used to be clean and it's just been getting more and more cluttered.

I would do strength training on one day and run on the other. Split it up across 6 days, alternating one and the other.

To help keep you spine straight, do pushups while looking forward instead of down at the ground as pictured.

Also on the plus side, it's rated "R" so it prolly won't suck as much as it would otherwise.

This was my immediate thought, as well as what I plan to do. Except I'll do mine in Comic Sans. We must both work for the GOV.

This argument is based on the assumption that what he did was simply "causing trouble." I don't believe that at all. Apple and Sony have ridiculous assumptions about what can and can't be done with their products after purchase

After learning that Verizon's 4g is actually multiple times faster than any other choice. I'm certainly going to support this. But there's one question. How will I live with out the amazing selection of VCast Apps?

I get neck/shoulder pain from running or riding a motorcycle. I have to be really conscious about keeping my shoulders relaxed as I tend to "shrug" them. It's annoying, but helps me.

There's a good pdf on the site which lists out the individual degrees within each group. [www9.georgetown.edu]

Additionally the number row on the softkeyboard should have the special characters on the same number as a regular keyboard. This one above has it right, most don't.

Where I live, the power company gives out free CFLs, programmable thermostats, energy audits and like 30% cost-share for more insulation/windows, etc. Apparently giving out free stuff is much cheaper than building a new power plant. So it's less a "let's save the planet," decision and more a "I hope we don't have to

I work at a fairly high level organization. We're pretty much required to use Comic Sans. It makes me want to stab my eyes out.

I can't make your IT dept any better, sorry. Try the notepad++ portable. I use it on my machine and it works great.

1. Custom desktop basically for Starcraft and Windows Media Center. Windows 7

This is 100% true. The less stuff you have, the happier you are. Well, to a point anyway. Think about your t-shirt drawer full of concert t's, free shirts from that promotional event and the last 5k you ran. What is all that stuff doing for you? Basically, it only occupies your mind. That’s why monks are so happy,

Most car repairs aren’t in the $1000+ range. The ones that are tend to occur infrequently. For instance even a completely neglected automatic transmission will last many years. The majority of car repairs are things like batteries, starters, alternators, drive belts, brakes, and so on. These tend to be in the few