
I had exactly the same thought as you. A phone is too small to make use of the interface but my Nook is perfect. I'd suggested a while back to them they make an "offline mode" so that I could take the articles with me and read when I don't have a wifi. A recent update said they implemented it, but I haven't figured

Some people are paid for a job where measuring hourly production makes sense. These people certainly should refrain from personal internet use on the job. Some of these jobs are extremely tedious (coding for example) making regular breaks to rest a necessity.

Agree, when I purchased my DINC last year 3.7 inches was standard; the incredible was just the right size compared to the much thicker original Droid. Were I to get a new one today it would be 4 inches or less. Bigger screens make swype-ing slower. When I want to do some actual web surfing etc, I use my Nook Color.

To help the security of the web log-in they have some good features like one time passwords and grid multifactor authentication.

I haven't looked into it much but there are also bookmarklets that could work if you need: [helpdesk.lastpass.com]

I use LastPass on my Chrome browser at home, Dolphin HD on both my Androids along with the LastPass browser itself, and the FireFox extension on my GOV computer at work. All my passwords are always up to date and universally available. I don't put many of my GOV passwords in there since I'm good at remembering them.

From comparing several pictures found on google, One even on Gawker; I think this picture does look like her. It was obviously done by a talented professional photographer in a studio and had a MUA and stylist. It is a fair representation of how she actually looks.

My update just now took about 90 seconds to download over wifi at about 550k/sec. It took another 3 minutes to install, not including a restart. I'm interested to see how it goes on my other machines.

I prefer different methods on different systems. I have a live USB intended for a low memory footprint that I use aptitude. On my regular system I generally use Synaptic for one or two package installs and CLI for a whole bunch. You're right about it just being easier to type in that case.

I've never found the download portion of apt-get -i (or aptitude) to be all that slow. It's the unpacking and installing part that seems to take a while. Perhaps some experimenting is due?

The DoD has actually required the services to allow access to sites like: youtube, facebook, twitter etc.

Nor on my Army machine.

It's permanently blocked. Couldn't get to it anyway.

Not trusting the GOV to pull this off in the right way is probably accurate. There's a few problems though I think.

Anyone ever been in the middle of a furious game of Starcraft/Diablo/Warcraft and missed [Ctlr] or [Alt] and instead hit the [Windows] key?

So, are you saying I should stop refreshing LH every 15 minutes?

Some androids (incredible, evo) have a TV out. There are cellphone sized (optoma pico) projectors that you could hook it up to. You might really be onto something.

me@gmail seeks open-minded you@your.own.domain or you@hotmail for some fun this weekend.

I've also stayed up 36+ hours while in Iraq. It really does take its toll on your body not to mention mental capability. Additionally it's just super boring.

And here all along I was thinking that a Cadeceus was only good for increasing the starting energy of my medics and ravens.