
I remember when using telnet, and connecting to CERN was how you got on the WWW. I wonder, does that still work?

But, but, wait a minute. This video is from 1994 and the Internet "has been around for a while," and is already well understood. Al Gore didn't take the VP office until 1993. Did he create a time machine then go back in time to invent the internet?

Recovering deleted data from a HDD is actually rather easy. It's fairly time consuming and a bit tedious. The problem becomes as @kschang mentions that you can't always get all the pieces back. The more you use the HDD after deleting something, the less likely it is that you'll get it back. LH has several good

I've been using Smart Taskbar on my Nook Color because sometimes the status bar disappears and you lose your home, menu, back, and search buttons. It looks horrible on the large screen though. This is a much more elegant solution for that application.

I'm with you on this one. The mobile view doesn't re-direct to the right article and you can't leave comments on the mobile page. #whitenoise

Great article and incredibly accurate. I spent a whole 15 months in Iraq dominating Guitar hero 3 and playing CoD 4: Modern Warfare, It's quite surreal to be playing the video game based on actual events that are still happening. Especially those happening in ear-shot.

The cheapest iPad is around $488 now. That's almost triple the price!

Mine too. I just can't wait until some of the xda crew gets bluetooth working.

@Account Reset: CNN mentioned this morning that there is still an extremely small, limited amount of traffic to/from Egypt because they didn't shut down the ISP who provides service for their Banks and Stock Market.

Here's my spare bedroom:

@AmphetamineCrown: Some good points. I don't think there really is a good solution. More below.

@vel0city: I will 100% agree that net neutrality is an issue rife with potential disaster. I will also agree that no solution will likely be sufficient to both protect consumers and foster innovation. I also fully agree that GOV over-regulation is bad, but not all regulation is evil. I will stand by my opinion that

Vote: my6sense. It doesn't get everything but does a good job pulling out the things I care about.

What I don’t get about net neutrality is how is could possibly be a good thing to not have strong enforceable rules about what ISP’s among others can and can’t do. The whole argument that consumer pressure will prevent companies from doing this since those customers will just go to another provider makes a lot of

@shazaam42: Exactly why if the cops are behind me, I stop at the nearest feasible location and let them go on. I'm one of the most law-abiding people I know and they still creep me out.

My personal motivation trick is similar to what lots of people have said here. I run to train for a race or two during the warmer months, but mostly because I enjoy it. It’s just enough activity to let my mind wander. There is a reason everyone at Google gets a "play day" during the week; that opens up a different

@shazaam42: The second part is really good as well.

@Red_Flag: Tasker has some encryption capabilities. You have to get the app from the tasker site at [tasker.dinglisch.net] I'm not too familiar with how it works unfortunately.

@fierrogt: Another good check is to look for overspray on the lower parts of the car that aren't normally painted. Also, you can look inside the trunk and under the hood to see if any of the panels, etc look much newer than the rest.