
I'm not so sure that I want my internet activity, and my "official" identity connected. Imagine answering this question at a job interview "We see from your online identity that you sign on to 4chan regularly. What's that all about?"

@RenRen: Almost what works for me. I try to register for two races over the summer, the Bix 7 mile and the QC Half Marathon. That way I have an identifiable reason. Good luck on the marathon btw.

I think I'd rather just root a nook Color and keep my cost under $250

@Sputn1k: You can get NookBooks from the library as well.

@Shan2097: There was a good article a while back about exactly this. Here's my setup.

What can I do with an old Series2 TiVo? I just got a new TiVo XL and would like to do something useful with the old one besides toss it.

I carry with my laptop:

I had a horrible time dealing with both AT&T wireless and Verizon.

@minneyar: Once I completed the adamantium infusion on my kitten, I gave up playing games like this with it.

@harrismi: I completely agree, ALL companies block some websites simply because it's their network. I never again want to fill out a 39 page clearance application again.

@Angry_Pig: I’ve been thinking about this exact issue for quite a while now. It may actually not be more expensive, I’m sure the GOV’s total cost of ownership is much higher than anyone expects. Also, the GOV isn’t concerned solely about costs. They also use their purchasing power to build jobs and support a variety

@Matthew: I've been using SwitchPro as well. Mostly because it successfully turns off the mobile data connection on my Incredible. Power Control Plus has some additional features that SwitchPro doesn't; but nothing to write home about.

Wasteland. I can still picture it on a four color monitor too.

My GPS works pretty well and locks on reasonably quick. I'd just like the ability to cache the map and directions data so I don't have to wait forever to get directions.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I have the dealnews.com videocard rss feed setup on my Incredible to watch for one. I'm on the lookout for an ATI 5670 or similar. Just haven't seen one on deal news at the pricepoint I'm after.

@ShadowSpectre: I know, right? I can set about half the graphics settings on medium and half on low and get decent frame rates. Much better than the single digit FPS I was getting on my 10" laptop.

Maybe a month ago, I built my machine pretty much only to play StarCraft2 and use adb. Total for hardware and shipping was just about $400. Win7 OEM is another $90, or Ubuntu10.04 for free.

@cuevas: I just got a facebook update. Finally, the notifications stooped re-directing to the browser instead it stays in the app. I haven't looked into if the app works any better with the android notifications though.

@sassafras_: I guess I read it the earlier post too fast. That actually sounds like a great idea.

@navylon: The MiFi can connect up to 5 wifi devices. Essentially you're tethering the iPod to it. Doing the same with a laptop is no harder than setting up any other wifi connection.