
Any of the Garmin GPS watches. I've been using the Forerunner 201 since it was new on the market

To counter the weight of a human body relative to a bird, he would have to make wings proportionately larger than a bird would have. To counter the strength required to actually flap the wings he used electric motors. His actual muscles aren't powering anything.

I'll follow up your shout-out with this. I'm particularly fond of LastPass' cross-platform support. I use it on FireFox at work, Chrome at the house, and Dolphin on my phone and tablet.

It's a little chicken before the egg I think too. Children want to play in a way that imitates life or at least some fantasy of it. They see their parents doing things and want to copy that. Kids do identify with their same-gender parent and naturally try act out what they see. My wife stays home with my daughter.

Sure we can all go on and on about zero day gender stereotyping, but aren't we doing the same thing by refusing to buy our kids what toys they want?

Yeah, declawing a cat is kinda cruel, though with new techniques, they don't have to remove as much of the cat's "fingers" as they did before. I've owned declawed cats and had zero problems with any. Some cats go crazy but the vast majority do just fine. My current cat goes hunting around the inside of my house and

Quite possible the cat has no claws.

Why Asian (isn't it technically Oriental?) food tastes different- Five Spice Powder.

Since I do a bit of gaming at home using an incredibly poor mouse hold, I was getting lots of carpal tunnel with my all day mouse at work. I switched that one for a cheap pen/tablet. It takes some getting used to, but the lack of pain more than made up for it.

@Aaron McClellan - Exactly what I wanted to say. Here's how I think it went down:

Yeah, that's pretty much it, but with a higher water temperature so you don't have to wait forever. Those shrimp are great with grits.

Not exactly the same as the method depicted here, but I've been using freezer bags to slow-poach for a long time. Throw some shrimp, old bay and butter in there, roll the air out and plop it in some 170 degree water on your stove top and wait. It's impossible to overcook and delicious. I'm sure you can do that with

I cook rice like pasta. It doesn't take very long at all and you can sample it along the way to see if it's done. You don't even have to measure anything.

I cook rice like pasta. It doesn't take very long at all and you can sample it along the way to see if it's done. You don't even have to measure anything.

I think that's about the hourly rate we pay for projects. Maybe it's more like $125. It ends up much higher once all the contractors get their cut.

Having worked in GOV software development, I can add a few things:

Been using GMusic for months and love it as well. Avoid using it in IE7. It isn't fast enough so the java crashes. Firefox and (obviously) Chrome don't have that issue.

I don't think it will delete files from GMusic if you delete it from your HDD. It will however automatically upload additions if you so choose.

Ever used an electric fly-swatter? Imagine a tennis racket shaped bug zapper. Now, that's fun.

There's been quite a bit of talk [twitter.com] suggesting this whole thing has been canceled. My guess is they've taken it underground and are handling it more like HBGary.