
You've been trolling the US this whole tourney. Bottom line USA got through the group of death while England, Portugal, Italy, and Spain all are headed home. Suck it easy world. Merica!!

you know something? you fucking suck. i hope Luis Suarez bites your dick off.

Having a wrestler as an avatar is still not nearly embarrassing as having Liverpool's ugly cousin in yours.

well, no, you're a loser because you're being a big tough guy talking on the internet about what you would do if you were an MLB pitcher (which you are most certainly not) to a man you've never met, based upon third-hand information and the fact that you don't like his face

I've done those things too. The difference is I've never been asked to do them though and I've damn sure never been told that those things were required of me and that not being able to afford those things would jeopardize my friendship with anyone.


Yeah, sorry. If someone "feels hurt and excluded" because what they want to do is unworkable for people because of cost, then "hypersensitive child" is as kind as I can put it.

Oh shove that MRA nonsense up your ass. It's your fucking problem that you can't tell Heather her wedding demands are too damn much, not society's. It's your damn fault you can't tell someone who is supposedly your friend that they are asking too much of your time and your resources and to reconsider their demands.

I confess, I don't have a ton of sympathy for what essentially boils down to "it's not that simple because a bunch of grown women act like hypersensitive children".

You know why it's different? Because if I were asked to go to three different showers, buy a tux and go to a destintion bachelor party I, and every single one of the groom's friends, would tell the groom to go fuck himself.

I consider the financial expectations that are placed on women in bridal parties to be excessive, unreasonable and sexist

So women spending far too much money on events surrounding a wedding is sexist? No, it's silly and wasteful and it's entirely preventable but this aint me and the boys ensuring you can't come into the club house or ensuring you won't get the promotion or the deserved raise because of your gender, this is keeping up

remember that time Lindy West wrote something that was well researched and wasn't judgemental & skewed? Me neither...

Don't hurt yourself reaching too hard.

Really? A BB gun is not a proportional response? Will you go to no end to defend any woman that acts inappropriately? How far will you reach?

A working-class felon and his family are the oppressors, and the cat ladies diddling themselves to his photo are the oppressed. Jesus. My brain is oozing out of my nostrils. Good luck with that.

Little Known Fact-

I understand exactly what you mean. There is a reason, at least in NY, rape can be charged in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree. The differences between the offenses indeed are whether it was forcible/violent and/or the age of the victim and the aggressor (if this was a NY case today, because the accused rapist was over 18

I don't know you, but in scrolling down through the comments on this page, I've seen 3 or 4 from you, all about the ref.

No, your fans are functionally illiterate, racist, fundamentalist christian assholes. No one gives a shit that you won things, you're trashy people.