You guys, I have been VERY impressed with the cunt puns lately! Well done, all.
You guys, I have been VERY impressed with the cunt puns lately! Well done, all.
Well well! After dramatically revealing a new round of investigations into Hillary Clinton’s private emails, the FBI …
Well, the content of the emails is incredibly ... boring and not scandalous. Also, they are from Russian hackers. It does bear discussing.
At a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred Friday afternoon, Summer Zervos, a former candidate on The…
Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots…
Sorry guys I got no jokes here. I hate this man so much. I want him to die and I want to piss on his grave. Oh and any Trumpie cultists who want to start shit can fuck off and die. You are all scum.
No, no and no.
Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.
I HATE Jimmy Fallon. Not because he's a horrible person, he's arguably the best human being on television (Ellen fans calm down) but because he's not funny. While this was a great gesture, it doesn't make up for the fact that he isn't funny. Or talented. Or have some reasonable explanation why he's on The Tonight…
That song blows, dude.
The only people who think that feminists are "crazy" and "unreasonable" are assholes who don't genuinely believe in the cause in the first place.
The problem is that that charisma comes in the form of your team's most ignorant and conservative portion of the fanbase instantly becoming complete fanboys and starting a shitstorm if you ever hint at benching or moving on from the guy, entirely because he loves Jesus and hates abortions, and the "winning games in…
So this guy has lots of consensual sex with lots of women and he can't be bothered to settle down. Love em and leave em kinda guy. That is GROSS! Rihanna, on the other hand, goes from one conquest to the another. She picks em and then dumps em, never tying herself to one guy. That is so EMPOWERING, I tell you and tots…
I had this dream where a guy cheated on his ailing wife until she found out and then he manipulated her into an "open" ralationship by using her physical weakness and emotional dependency on him. Most of the jezebel commenters were either on the fence or sympathetic towards this guy, because hey, it's an open…
I don't consider this ethical non-monogamy. It's nice that, with her husband now aware of her other partners, he supports her lifestyle. That is indeed an open relationship. However, the fact that all her other partners are married - and probably NOT all telling their wives that they are seeing another woman - means…
Yep, you can pretty it up and claim he's totes ok with her banging other guys and they're "making their relationship work," but let's not muddle the facts. He developed a health condition and wasn't able to sexually perform and she went behind his back and got some on the side.
He makes music for white people who are scared of white people who know a couple of black people.
Joan Rivers never met a fat joke she didn't love, a woman whose appearance she couldn't insult, or a woman who she didn't feel entitled to call a whore. I could give a shit if that Republican, woman-hating shrew is honored by the Academy or not. There is a distinction between a trailblazer and a hero. (cough,…