
"...Duke student Miriam Weeks became porn's Belle Knox by necessity." Oh, come on, that's a huge overstatement. Lots of people get through university without becoming porn actors. You can't say it was "by necessity" unless it was her only way of getting an education.

"Faced with either a degree from a less prestigious school or decades of crushing debt, a few hours of work on a porn set revealed itself to be the best way to avoid getting screwed"

Yeah, Rooney really put on a master class the other night.

I dunno, I was gonna snark and say "wow, she's dating a legal adult 20+ years her junior? How creepy!" because I've seen Jez and Gawker treat older male/younger female relationships/hookups like public pedophilia, but that might only be a double standard here.

Also confusing: their insistence on labeling both their men's and women's rooms para Ronaldos.

So you're geeked as hell about the World Cup, cranking out article after article about it, despite it costing billions of dollars that could have been better spent improving life for ordinary Brazilians.

Huh. I guess I didn't notice.

Not as much as the NRA or their clients, the firearms industry.

Thankfully you're not a judge, because he's contractually obligated to do what the NBA says, y'know, since it's a private organization and not the fucking government, and it's pretty easy to understand that.

I say fuck her and her lawsuit. She has syphilis, refused to inform partners she may have infected, throws a fit when they find out. I say treat it like those cases where a guy has aids and doesn't tell anyone, toss her ass in jail. She can sue from there.

They won't call him soft. They'll call him an idiot for wearing so much padding in a gym without air conditioning.

Damn. So radio stations are like gawker?

Nooooo no no no. You can't just come in here and get away with your "independent thoughts" and "laid back sense of humor." Where's your OUTRAGE?! How DARE a shirt disagree with you!

Nothing to critique. Some women like it, some women dislike it. Let's still cause a big stink over nothing though.

Hmm, I don't see a problem with this. Is it not okay for some women to want to get all fit again once their pregnancy is over?

seriously? Some women feel this way when they're pregnant. The only outrage is that it's 48$.

TLDR: Don't like? Don't watch...I like, I watch...if something offends me I turn it off...get the idea?

Not sure if trolling or just dumb.

"Slow Sunday."