Sadly, I doubt the offer was really from Richardson.
I'm looking for where he said anything about violent rape. Everything listed here sounds awful, and clearly misogynistic, but the title said he bid people in his employ to violently rape her. With quote marks around "violently rape," implying it is a quote from somewhere. But I can't find it. Is this an oversight? Is…
So you're telling me the guy with the username "MyDitka'sBiggerThanYours" has a low standard for what's considered clever? Shocking...
King deleted the first tweet when he realized it had no legs.
If they were screening this movie in my living room, I'd pay $15 not to be there.
It's funny that they never have something like this to say about Cara Delevingne relationship with that woman beater of Michelle Rodriguez. Isn't Michelle 13 years older that Cara. But yeah, this place have a hate boner for Depp. Also funny that they never mentioned the affair Vanessa had with Romain Duris while she…
Shhh you're trying to talk about a double-standard and that's uncomfortable.
Tonto... I get it.
"Check your privilege, thin scum."
The story was about a secretive voodoo pedophilia/murder cult in Louisiana. A psychopath had constructed a labyrinth filled with human remains and occult symbols. What's not spooky about that?
I am pointing and laughing at you and your comment.
Except Terry Richardson hits on models that depend on him for employment. Completely different scenario. If he just messaged non-models on Instagram with the same type messages as James Franco did, I wouldn't call him a rapist.
It's weird that so many generally liberal people can't handle age differences in relationships.
If you're idea of wit or political commentary is based on the use of words like "libtard" or "rethuglican," you have a lot more to worry about than a joke Internet poll.
Sometimes I used to make videos of me "squishing" peoples heads with my fingers thinking "oh ho you'redead now, I killed you! thats what you get" Then once I accidentally said that out out and some one heard and reported me to the principal.
I don't personally agree that it would be grounds for an ass kicking.
Dry humping involves touching, so I don't think anything in the video would qualify as dry humping.
Brandon added that he will also be suing for emotional damages after being referred to as "Backe, the fuck-up."