
Are you aware that the "doctor" who started this anti-vaxx mess WAS FOUND TO BE A FRAUD?

Jezebel, you ARE the media. You posted this story, and even if Lindy put a disclaimer saying it may be false, you still posted this and ran it as it were fact. And you and Gawker have done this before with other stories that turned out to be hoaxes. Try doing some research before you post a story that turns out to be

Whatever happened to that whole, "I can find more than one thing reprehensible at the same time" thing?

I'm not going to waste my time explaining how idiotic that statement is. Go to pro-football-reference.com and look up his career stats yourself. Most sportswriters agree that Rodgers will be a lock for the hall.

Thinking back on all the comments on this site that have been period related, I tend to think that if this idea had been done by a woman you would be singing its praises.

No... this specific instance was used as an example of gender pay disparity using apples-to-oranges comparisons... which is a tactic I've seen before with gender pay disparity "studies" in the past.

Society does NOT say that "the cure for fatness is anorexia." Stop getting your health tips from fat acceptance blogs.

I can't believe that you're comparing being fat to being gay and forced to act straight. Gay people have always existed. The fact that nowadays 60% of Americans are obese is down to junk food and cars. They weren't all born fat. Have some sense of agency.

It doesn't feel great to be called a skeleton, or to be yelled at by your cousins because you're small, or have people ask you if you have an eating disorder, or if that's all you're going to eat today. This isn't a competition about who gets shit on the most. Overweight people do not hold a monopoly on being shamed

So even if someone has a legit reason for being upset by the original quote, you're still going to take a shot at them for being vain? How lovely.

Here's a humblebrag for you, moron. I weigh 102lbs because I have Crohn's. I shit 11 times a day and usually have a bloody asshole twice a week. I carry baby wipes with me wherever I go. I dread going out to eat with friends or family because I usually have to take a shit mid-meal. I dread wearing bikinis in summer

So if I wrote an article and said "during her career, Kristie Alley has gone from 130 lbs to a blubbery 230lbs" you would know that I absolutely only think that Kristie Alley looks bluberry, not all people who weigh 230lbs? I'm not equating any of them with a whale. Just Kristie Alley. Just like this author is only

I didn't realize there was an oppression Olympics or that discrimination was a zero-sum game. Does someone expressing how THEY sometimes feel in any way invalidate on contradict how YOU feel?

The length of that rant implies otherwise.

Or you could be proactive, lose the weight and stop feeling so bitter?

"More and more evidence is suggesting that the real danger of obesity has nothing to do with fat, and everything to do with the stigma of being fat."

"the real danger of obesity has nothing to do with fat" — Really? NOTHING? Sorry, you lost all credibility there.

probably because the article about plus sized individuals already make the point about not body shaming, so why make it again. You will, instead, see the counterargument.