
You use the word "gaunt" to describe her, in an article decrying shaming people for their size? Nice work, lady.

As is typical of the rhetoric around fat, weight, and women's bodies, Rachel was deemed "too thin" and "not healthy" by viewers and the media.

Regardless of her BMI or physical appearance, people need to stop the concern-trolling and body-shaming. I'm discouragingly surprised by the number of comments on this site that have done just this, without realizing it's the same as concern-trolling or fat-shaming someone overweight. Saying someone can't be healthy


I wish that everyone would stop with this. 5'4" and 105lbs isn't out of line. Was it a crazy amount of weight to lose? Yeah, and the whole premise of the show is terrible, but let's leave this woman alone. Damn.

Former Fatty should have stopped at 130lb or so. Then she'd be "acceptable" so she wouldn't gross people out, but wouldn't be "anorexic", making other people jealous.

Double anal.

Seriously. So much "Excercise Shaming."

Oh for fuck's sake, would you guys please give it a rest? She wasn't running fucking wind sprints for days at a time, she was walking on a treadmill. Lots of people walk all day at work. Do you guys all want to pile on my mailman? He walks all day too. My son's teacher has a yoga ball instead of a desk chair. Can I

She (the author) is being deceptive with the numbers. In 2011 Daniel Akerson received 1.7 million in salary (i'm sure I could find the other records but I choose not to. Other compensation (company stip and stock awards) netted him around 7.7 mil.

Well, waiting until her total deferred compensation package is approved by shareholders, and we find out what it is, would be a pretty good idea.

"Actually they said "This represents two of her three compensation components. Specific long-term incentive compensation numbers will be included in the company's April 2014 proxy filing, which likely will dispel any notion of pay inequity," adding that discussion of pay inequality is "premature and flawed."

So forgive me if I fail to articulate this correctly as I'm still a little fluey.

Honest, non-troll, and too lazy to do the legwork question here:
What was her predecessor paid when he took the role?
Will it still be higher? Most likely, but it may be at least a bit more equal...
I hope???

It's nice of you to be gracious about it, but if you replace the word "skinny/thin" with "fat" and said them to somebody else, they'd punch you in the face and nobody would say anything.

Yet somehow it's socially acceptable and not rude at all to go up to skinny/thin people and tell them your opinion about their

Well, yeah, that's what the issue SHOULD be. The issue is that the policies are shitty and not followed.

Not defending the University's handling of the case or their lack of attention to their own policy, but this is not a plagiarism problem. A decent public administrator would always look at other, similar institution's policies and maybe even replicate whole cloth if they are good. That would be implementing "best

Not my body, not my business.

I hate that people are body shaming her, because this show glorifies "getting healthy" and "losing weight", but then this poor girl does what everyone on earth wants her to do and she gets railed. I'll admit, her weight loss is pretty shocking. 60% of her body weight? Wow. It's just — there is so much to say, but I