
Not surprised, young people with lots of money and freedom living the good life and then all of sudden being reined in. Stuff is going to happen.

This election has fearful possibilities; 1) the polls are wrong again and Trump wins, 2) Trump loses and him and his cronies begin the biggest cash grab, insane executive orders and looting of the government between November and January. 3) Trump loses and refuses to leave, then having a situation of his supporters

I fear that they will continue to be under the media’s and general public’s radar until they begin to resort to cannibalism.

It may have been the pilot but I remember there was scene where Robinette came to realize a childhood idol/hero was a corrupt police (chief/commissioner?) was common knowledge in the DA’s office and the emotional roller coaster that showed up on his face when he saw it for himself hooked me as a fan.

I decided based on the actions of others that I will not go to any large group place/event until a vaccine has been created and given to a large population. Sure my life sucks right now but it’s better than dying while trying to breathe.

Cruz figures if Trump can lie about everything big or small regardless of facts and only his supporters believe it, he can do the same thing. 

If it has a face, I have probably eaten it. I used to live in the southwest and for parties, we would cook the “guest of honor” in a pit. Turkeys, sides/quarters of beef, goats, pigs, lamb, depending on the party size and whatever was available from our local farms/ranches in the area.

I would suggest contacting PBS and donating the cars to them. They can get the cash from wherever they have the deal with. You get a tax deduction, property free of cars and no problems with the city.

I have a feeling that Anita White is going to lose the suit, something that the music business machine has done to so many black artists in the past.

Looks like the Lamborghini Urus.

I think I might watch it but based on the picture, I would have to suggest that bar be darkened a little more. Every bar and dive bar that I have been to is a dark place. If you can make out the color of the floor, it’s too bright.

I think this change of character and her background could allow the show go in wider swings of the pendulum between dark and brooding to playful and sunny story lines. As long as the swings happen over time rather in one episode.

I don’t know the chef but I know Spicer and if he promotes something, I would purposely look at something else and considering Spicer’s “success” and his previous employer’s success and reputation among the general public of US, the company would aim for a bigger piece of the market.

Let me just say that the picture is perfect! You could have gone for the easy target a family in Maga hats but the guy with a messy man bun ponytail is so identifiable and wait staff everywhere groan when they see him.  Thank you!

Joan, don’t expect an answer as one can tell that publicist isn’t a “Dunky/Dunkee” (regional inflection noted) devotee nor does she understand it relevance in his life

When I was a kid, like you my dad used “other” items: metal wire milk crates, 1 to work on the brakes and 2 work on everything else like the exhaust, tranny and to find lost (10mm?) sockets. They were free and plentiful at the loading docks at finer grocery stores.

You’re right, I don’t know who these people are but I do know one thing for sure, these people are a waste of ____.  (fill in the blank with whatever one feels like.) 

The lady got she deserved.

People ought to apply pressure on Goodell, he “changed” his mind about Colin Kaepernick. Considering the team is in DC and the GOP politicos have been very “protective” of the team. If current political feelings prove correct, a change will be coming very soon, if not in 2021.

Cities are going to have to defund the police departments before the police departments lawsuits bankrupt the cities. Defund means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality. That’s it.