
If no one leaves town and considering the work that each of these men do, it is reasonable to assume that this police officer will come into contact with this doctor in his arena of work. Who’s to say that the doctor will choose no anesthesia or staples instead of stitches or a strongly worded report that this officer

This kind of work reminds how somebody can be so polarizing. HRC is loved and hailed as one of the greatest American if not world leaders never elected by many and at the same time loathed and thought of as a liberal boogeyman/person for the conservatives to fear and love to hate. I suspect more reflective works pro

Considering what previous generations did in their time of “challenges” like years of rationing during the world wars, dealing with the Great Depression and even dealing with 9/11, these people can’t even handle a few to several weeks sitting on the couch. It would seem that some Americans have gotten soft, really

Sure he quit, he can get a job pretty quickly at a private school that agrees with those allegations he says are false.

Karl is trying to maintain his relevance and set up his retirement nest egg. He hasn’t done much of anything since Faux News shelved him for the Trumpsters. If he can get some air play, he’s hoping that will parlay into a job on Trump’s reelection campaign.

There is so many to choose from so I will just say German built cars. They seem to hold functionality and comfort at the same priority without sacrificing either.

If the country’s current feeling of Trump’s Covid handling continues, it appears that Biden will win. Biden’s presidency will most likely be spent “fixing” what Trump and his administration broke or bent. On the surface it will look like Biden is improving things but I don’t think we will see any revolutionary

For some reason as I was reading this article, the Ford Pinto sprang to mind. Would it be considered a serial killer or just implement of death? On that same tangent, was the Corvair really that dangerous?

Turned off cameras? They knew ahead of time that they were going to be shooting first and making up answers to the questions later.

The handling of this incident really pissed me off but I am afraid that I will end up disappointed again.

Porter always does her homework and comes with the receipts. 

I have many early memories of food but there one that that remained in my life and that is the making of food, especially making tamales with rancheras playing in the background for atmosphere for the holidays.

I always thought that these white idiots that show up to protest with guns weren’t protesters but terrorists with “legal protection” from short sighted legislators. Now that the Panthers (surprised that no one on TV called them a gang) are doing the same thing, I suspect those same pearl clutching legislators will

After reading this I wasn’t surprised, because Steube is “a Florida man” and history has shown and we all know that lots of bad things usually happen after those 3 words.

No one uses dryer sheets for dusting? Try it and you will be surprised with the long standing results.

When making tortillas, those are not imperfections, they are called features.

One of the few times, that he knew what he was talking about when he said “What the hell do you have to lose?”

While I like the idea of showing our political leaders our disgust with their bad behavior or incompetence, I feel that with the current environment, we would run out of whipped cream and the country doesn’t need another shortage during our time of Covid.

The movie business is just like everything else, the people higher up the food chain make life miserable for those actually doing what needs to be done.

J Crew is a thing for a certain group of men and I don’t fit into that group. I go for a little more wider, comfy fit and neat. Khakis with a long sleeve button down Oxford shirts, both in many and bright colors. The women in my life like it and the boss likes it and I think I look rather dashing in a non-conformist