
Ok, it’s a nice take on Covid-19 but if one is lucky to live in a state that cares about its citizens, chances are it is right next to a state that doesn’t...

I would love to get my mom the car she “desired” when she dating and married my dad, a white 1956 Ford Thunderbird.

Appreciation for nurses and first responders and everyone else that have stepped up in a big way during this pandemic is a very nice thing but to me it also illustrates that they aren’t paid or valued enough by our society.

Those beautiful eyes, that expressive face, she is a real cutie!

What these bigoted racist idiots did was wrong on so many levels but what one detail of the story/article made me shake my head and say out “Figures!”, they had the wrong house.

I knew it! As I was reading this article, I was thinking $kaycog is going to have something to “add” to the story arc and “Boom, there is it!”

Beanie Feldstein may have raised eyebrows but I think she will be able to pull it off. In what I’ve seen of her previous parts, she has the range to go from comedy to drama pretty easily. So this movie has its story and its cast and now it all comes down to the editing. Editing can make a movie great or waste of


Thank you for this!

Dragging her hair along the top of her looking like warmed over leftovers food. A definite twofer, not very attractive and not very appetizing. I guess it’s better than Trump’s taco bowl.

Since Trump thought this up, I suspect they will be turning uniforms similiar to the red shirts of Star Trek fame.

I’ll probably see the movie but no offense to either one of them but they don’t look each other’s type. Hopefully they have so good chemistry or it just won’t work.

This show brought back so many memories of the cubicle farms that I used to work at. Definitely better than a B....maybe something between B+ and A-

No offense to you and my fellow commentators but CBS knows it demographics and their demographic (Grandmas and Grandpas want their programs) doesn’t like change or anything new. 

No offense but there are some democrats in the Senate so they might be able to ask those tough questions to Dr Fauci but the real issue I see is that I haven’t heard anything about this meeting/hearing being on TV.

You found the secret to Melania’s longevity in this marriage.

I guess HBO Max believes success/popularity in one arena can translate into another.

With Covid hitting all areas of society high and low and people being cooped up for weeks to months on end and when someone dies of “normal” causes, I expect we will see a couple versions of this funeral procession.

I’m totally surprised that as old as Trump is, someone who got fed up with his bullying and/or whining, just didn’t throw caution to the wind and kick his ass. Come on internet, somebody in 4th grade or high school was bound to have done it and lord it over him?!

Many years ago, I sorted did something similar. When I was younger decided to tell my friends that I was going take the summer to hike the Appalachian trail. Had a big send off and end up spending the summer working as a bartender at a seedy bar in Acapulco. Best 4 months of my life.