I truly hope it happens but considering who is the majority in the Senate and ultimately the Idiot in Chief to sign has been a long and tough path.
I truly hope it happens but considering who is the majority in the Senate and ultimately the Idiot in Chief to sign has been a long and tough path.
Look at the smile and the gloves and the fact she is putting something back in her purse...she knew what she was doing, looks like a job well done.
Beauty pageants have outlived their purpose as well the incentives of being in a pageant. In today’s world women of this type can become influencers on YouTube and Instagram that provides the role models for the masses and the financial rewards that these type of women are looking for.
JG to me seems to be a really nice person that happens to be a celebrity. I would think she is on the same level as Tom Hanks nice.
Like most of the public, I feel bad for her but from I have read about her, she seems to be always picks a type and that kind of thinking this is “love” started at a young age and continues to the day she decides to change that type.
I suspect this come and go rather quickly but because of Pacino, A lists stars and other list like Eric Roberts or Nic Cage will begin shopping their own grindhouse stories.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my wife but after reading your adoption of southern cooking and specifically biscuits. I respectfully state if something should go awry in your relationship of your significant other, you got “options”.
Makes sense! Trump can’t get anyone to work for him and his administration, he was going to get people with his pardons so he know they will be loyal to him.
Long ago, I used a small bank and while the personal service was excellent but the services they offered were limited, so I switched to a very large bank which has so many more services.
Cruz is projecting like Trump. His wife cut him off long ago after Trump insulted her during 2016 and Ted became a sycophant to Trump.
I agree with most of my fellow commentators, DIY frames ares cheaper and opticians are needed for the lens part of the work so use the best of both worlds. Buy your frames online and get your eyes examined and your lenses at an optician.
That looks pretty good but I’m going to wait till they add chopped up jalapenos in that cheese, then it would be really tasty.
Trump lies to people in front of him, he lies on TV and he lies on Twitter and in my opinion, he should continue tweeting.
I think Wendy has fallen victim to what has happened to a lot of “famous” people. She has gotten so used to and comfortable being deferred to, having her opinion listened to that she truly believes that she is a subject matter expert regardless of the subject matter.
To be honest, I find this information coming out now is like the other studies that come out in recent years, anyone remember bacon is bad for you? Now bacon is good for you and the same for coffee and so many other products people use.
I know the conversation is about what bottles can be recycled to use for water but I was shocked that it was a republican that was recycling. That fact alone should be having Trump tweeting to have Calfee expelled from the party.
I believe we see a sh#tstorm brewing in France and there is a good chance it will be televised.
I didn’t see it or mentioned but get an international ac plug adapter, maybe you won’t use this trip but you will eventually.
Your explanation makes sense of a porn movie parody that shows some milf getting a pearl necklace in front of a theater, which at the time seemed totally out of context.