I read this a 9 to 5 got a busy life but we got a good thing and it’s an OK to put a little effort into it. There might be sex or not, regardless we’re good.
I read this a 9 to 5 got a busy life but we got a good thing and it’s an OK to put a little effort into it. There might be sex or not, regardless we’re good.
Trump called it a photoshopped picture and just like the picture you used for this article, the internet has lost of pictures of Trump and his fake tan that people just need share over and over again bringing attention to the differences and the tan lines because they all can’t be photoshopped.
Congratulations and many wishes for her success for this woman but somehow I hope the NFL isn’t doing this to distract from the fact that Colin Kaepernick still can’t get rehired.
I had 3 thoughts about this commercial. 1) As a man with a wife and two grown daughters, I quickly learned and understood that males should not have any say in what a women can do with their bodies. This commercial just adds another reason for my belief. 2) I didn’t see anyone else in that bed, regardless of who that…
It’s getting to a point where if science says one thing, republicans will disagree and call it a different point of view or opinion. I suspect anti-vaxxers and republicans will soon join forces with the flat earthers to make every person that critical thinking skills life very miserable.
We will see how sincere Warren really is if there is a shake up at the leadership level in her Nevada office(s), give it two weeks and if nothing happens, it’s nothing but lip service. Castro, Harris and Booker might have some free time where they could help her out in Nevada in the short term and America in the long…
Now this is truly a life hack....thank you!
Color me impressed, I have gotten used to car makers just putting decorative “stickers” to say that this or that particular vehicle is more powerful or trail rated than their standard model. Similar to the Pep Boys plastic chrome stickers.
Very cool, I wonder if anyone has done the same thing with movies or TV shows? Herbie and Bumblebee (movies), Dog and Cat (TV) a few that I can think of.
The issue I have with another remake of this movie is the actors, will it be actors past their prime looking to rekindle their fame with over the top acting or young hard bodies that may be nice to look act but their acting is so bad they can’t even fake an orgasm without cue cards.
Today’s speech and the actions of AG Barr tells me that Trump’s “enemies” will become the victims of all types of abuse.
Remember he said he is moving to Florida to live at Mar a Lago which makes sense, he could be easily the new “Florida man....”
I suspect Koch will be going to DC because she is already invited to appear in front of Congress and definitely not invited to the White house.
Obviously wrassling is a very real thing in Mississippi.
If and when I get sex on a regular basis at home, I will use all these tips but until that day, these stains are more good reasons to use a hotel.
If and when I get sex on a regular basis at home, I will use all these tips but until that day, these stains are…
Wow! Burning your underwear is for perfume? So I guess my old girlfriend burned all of my clothes after we broke up was making a “perfume” so she could remember me.
Nothing like a hot bowl of steamy neon orange, creamy, cheesy food product to get the libido working. It’s cheaper than alcohol and the only regret you have is that why didn’t you think of this earlier.
I believe mayo on a burger is a regional thing, never saw it until I came out East.
Yep and Trump gets to appoint another one, this one may or may not have a law degree considering some of the other people he has appointed.
They do call it the heartland for a reason....since that is what “quits” or “goes out” for most of the population.