
I am a frequent flyer (business and pleasure) and this kind of stuff and other behavior should not happen on a plane or in an airport. I would like to see this guy banned from flying on EVERY airline. Blacklist him and make him an example so no one else pulls ANY pranks on planes.

Pompeo, Cruz and other GOP members seem to always get this kind of stuff wrong, they truly see (and think) the world, information and social media differently than the rest of the world.

Our household has a really nice collection of steak knives (look like switchblades) from our favorite restaurant thanks to servers and the manager.

One man’s snack may be another’s meal.

Trump really does know the best words...  

I suspect that Liev will take some time off and in time we will probably end up doing some movie (NetFlix, etc) where he is someone like Liam Neeson’s character in Taken. It’s in his wheelhouse and his fans would love it.

I’m betting 10 minutes into his speech, he will bring up his feelings about the impeachment and once he does, he will begin his freewheeling rant. He will slur his words, make up words and begin all kinds of wild gestures. I suspect he will even revert back to speaking like he is at one of his rallies thus shocking a

I hope the people at Planter’s came up with this idea, because if they paid an advertising company that “borrowed” and reworked the idea of Disney’s + “Baby Yoda/The Child” because their legal team will go after them.

Apologies if someone said it but I scanned and didn’t see it. Bieniemy deserves to be a head coach and he will get that job but he may need to leave KC to get it but the immediate question I have: Will he go to the White house for the fast food lunch with the Racist/Bigot/Idiot in chief?

Threats sent through the mail, are a federal offense. Forget the local cops who probably don’t the gumption or resources to actually do anything for these businesses and people, call the FBI and call the media and at least some things will start getting done.

I have faint memories of Super Bowl commercials except for one, Ali Landry in the Dorito commercial, that has stuck with me and I am reminded of it every time I am in a laundry mat.

It may be time that Georgia change that the qualification of having a GED or high school to be some college or military experience because that would indicate they had some experience in studying for tests.

Short answer, if they are white, they will end up waiting for me as they currently do (I’m a person of color, larger than average but clean shaven) with TSA Precheck, TSA Trusted Traveler number, state issued “enhanced” driver’s license, current passport, work id on a lanyard.


I agree with your assessment but if I remember correctly, DNC said that next election cycle the Dems will be changing its primaries to states like Nevada and Texas which actually has populations that reflect the nation’s diversity.

PETA is an organization that lost its way and now with the game, it will lose a truck load of money because when the commercial comes on, most of the viewing audience will be eating wings and laugh.

My grocery store sells turkeys during the holidays and after the holidays, they cut up the turkeys and sell the different parts and that is when I stock up on wings, sure chicken wings are good thing to have for a football game but when one hosts a Super Bowl party, turkey wings are the way to go.

Trump will fight this legally and physically there is too many security layers for someone to get his DNA while he is at the White house.

Ever since Obama was running, I added my state’s election commission and local TV news tip line to my cell phone. If the line gets a little long due to lack of machines or volunteers or if someone being questioned/hassled about their eligibility to vote, I make a couple of quick calls. It’s always fun to see how fast

Congratulations on the film!