
Like you said, take a quiet moment and look to those that know more than you, or one could be like some people and “google” it and end up being one of the millions of ‘Muricans that will boycott and not buy Corona beer.

Just remember, all of these guys paid to look like they do.

This appears to be a case where someone had the idea that the audience would want to jump on the bandwagon and get nostalgic. Either it’s going to be really funny or it will disappear from theaters before people finish their overpriced tubs of popcorn.

Damn!  The next cookout is going to be tense.

This guy is wrong in so many ways. With the world and social media being what it is, I suspect somewhere in the future this man will become a victim of violence and he will make some pronouncement it was random and unwarranted as he will have no understanding why it happened to him.

I had that bottom truck...that 2.2 engine was bullet proof.

Thanks for the heads up. I guess I will be waiting to see this on TV during a lazy Saturday afternoon.

I for one think this raises Brad Pitt’s status as a human in my book. He isn’t Tom Hanks status yet but he is getting close.

If H/D goes under, I will truly miss the dealer t-shirts.

This just doesn’t sound right, it almost sounds like the paper has been looking for a way to get her fired, they thought they had it but then they changed their mind due to the public pressure.

Wallace and Napolitano have a tough row to hoe, I believe that they are true conservatives and they are trying to play the game and facts straight but they are surrounded by Trump sycophants that will attack them but only be cordial and use them as trophies to demonstrate their network’s “balanced” views. Eventually,

I only respond to texts and phone calls when I want to, my cellphone is always in airplane mode. My life is relatively peaceful.

A trick I use to avoid “certain” people at a party is helping out in the kitchen, host(s) always appreciate an experienced hand and it’s easy avoid “that” person when you are busy. Besides, working in the kitchen you are guaranteed one of two things; 1) one to one personal conversations and 2) to have the first crack

No offense but your choice of phrasing of “that same magical force that also keeps your bathroom ceiling relatively free from urine stains.” leads the imagination to go to a dark place where not too many in home parties happen and if they do, they are small and intimate affairs.

I love this car! It’s clean enough on the outside to almost anonymous but if one looks just close enough, they realize that this car probably has a beast under the hood.

Good to see Plaza checking out “different” roles, I have always thought that comedians or people that are naturally funny can play and take on fearlessly very serious roles in a very convincingly manner and she seems to be another that can.

I think what the guy is great! He is helping people but this reminds me of one of our country’s biggest flaws/problems, we are one of the richest, if not the richest country on earth and yet we have “hungry” people that our government can’t or won’t feed.

I think you may have forgot another reason Trump minimized the injuries, percentage wise, most of the people that serve in the military come from and live in “red states”. News about casualties means less fervent supporters and he doesn’t want to crack that facade.

I knew that SW was a person that didn’t take herself too seriously but the girl can dance and she can have fun and even laugh at herself.

I wasn’t surprised about the Denver airport. A few years back, I was stuck overnight in the airport and I ate well. When traveling, I try to find the local/regional restaurants instead of the national chains.