JC Malone

This is THE BEST. Kudos for putting me into a laugh-induced coughing fit!

At first I was hating this season, so slow, so repetitive.

When Noah goes to dinner with old high school friends he asks them about Gunther. So he exists, but has he really been attacking Noah? It will be interesting to find out.

Helen's was much ore lovey. It ended with a look on Noah's face that Helen questioned. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

I can agree with you about not repeating storylines, but I do think Kevin will come out worse for wear. I am just hoping it's because he is guilty, not just because he's black. Also I think it was the coach who singled out Eric. I am thinking he did it because while Eric might be a captain, he isn't as good a

I may have missed someone else bringing this up, but where the blame is going to land seems like Kevin's lap. He is rich and popular, but he is black. I went to prep school where this kind of crime would have gotten the same kind of "brush it under the rug" treatment, but if push came to shove, the black kid would

Exactly. She has the entitlement that comes with power. She is used to getting her way, and I have a feeling there is something with her and the cop.

How could I have forgotten that bit? I actually laughed out loud at that!

So Alison, being investigated for TREASON is allowed to roam free? With one body guard? My suspension of disbelief was shot to hell right then. Parking ticket? Who didn't see that a mile away? The writer's room has got be filled with the laziest people.

During has been from the beginning VERY supportive of Carrie to the point of drawing my attention that he will either be her new boyfriend or he is a bad guy. I mean, the writers could have just had Carrie have a supportive boss without him being so much of the story. I am leaning most towards him being bad, I just

I also think she was born here in the US, by Russian/Soviet parents.

WHOA….never thought of that possibility! That would is a cool theory, but I agree, I'd rather have Kevin interacting with everyone.

Yet we see Michael in the woods, and I *think* he was standing next to a pit/grave and says "holy shit", in the preview for next week. No way Kevin is dead. Virgil was nearly killed by John, but his wounds were fixable. This time, Virgil meant business and killed himself for good, but he will still be Kevin's

No way, Noah is so self-centered, there would have to be a major shift in his character to allow him to do that. I still think it's Whitney who killed Scotty.

He didn't hear a thing, and then puts the dig in about listening to all his other kids' heartbeats. The writers really couldn't make him any more self-centered if they tried.

HAHAHAHA!!! I thought the same think. I'd like to see Rick James pop Noah in the face with his Unity ring. :D

At this point, I mourn Eastman more than any other character to date. Hell, I would trade Rick for Eastman. Even Glenn getting taken out didn't really matter to me because whether it was Yeun's acting or how the character was written, he was just wooden and resigned…the same week after week.

Agreed. Alison gets a very strong feeling of empathy from me, and Noah had a bit of my empathy last season, but not any more. His character is so stereotypical of the middle-aged man trading one wife for a younger one and whining about how hard his life is. Boo Hoo.

I read Entertainment Weekly's update, Vulture's, and I checked on the NY Times' review…and that was not great. Happy reading! :)

I've read a few more reviews of this episode and most of them think Robert was watching the action in the pool. It appeared he walked out, saw them, and turned around. It was Alison who was staring intently at Robert. I'd like to think it's because she knows that being with Noah is a huge mistake and that the only