JC Malone

Good point! I've read four different reviews of this episode and not one noticed how after Noah had his "vision" in the pool he became very suspicious of Alison. The way he looked at her when he walked into the room, like SHE was the one to have done something wrong. That he kept questioning her about things.

Good point. I don't think Alison really loves Noah, but loves the IDEA of loving him. Same with Noah. He's such a self-involved asshole that he can't love anyone but himself.

Or Martin. That kid is all sorts of fucked up and he may have seen or heard Scotty doing something he didn't like.

If Treem said that Noah and Alison are supposed to be star-crossed lovers that means that there is going to be a tragic ending. "Star-crossed" does not mean happy ending at all.

Not ridiculous at all, from the standpoint of addiction. Aubrey was strung out, damaged irreparably from whatever landed her in foster care. her attachment to Carter was as strong as her addiction to heroin. Remember, the course of time they were separated was two months. Long enough for her to come up with this

My money is on Cherry. That mother is one manipulative, awful woman. Scotty was the fuck-up of the family, and mama just took care of it.

I've never thought it was Noah or Alison. My money is on that manipulative, passive-aggressive, do-ANYTHING-to-save-her-family Cherry. Scotty was a liability. He had to GO.

He was a total asshole about her religion. I don't believe in god or gods, but he was treating her like some sort of peasant. He might have been technically right, noticing Kala doesn't want to marry his son, but he had to be a dick about it instead of just coming out and saying "why don't we just end this now".

You've made a good point. I will argue that she is becoming more aware, but she is choosing to remain selfish and manipulative.

Good point!

I like Piper, but only because she is so self-centered and manipulative…and she totally doesn't get it. Watching her slooooooowly learn these things about herself has been interesting. Add in Alex? Over it. I can't put my finger on exactly why, because both actresses are great, but it's just boring. Same fight

Loved it. I thought the pacing was perfect. We pretty much binged it (3 episodes a night) but each one was packed full of goodness.

I read on another review site that the don't think the one watching John leave Danny's apartment is the son because the one watching had short hair, a clean neckline, but the kid had what appeared to be longer, scraggily hair. I am holding out that it was Carlos. Otherwise, what was the whole point of spending so

I agree. I thought the pacing was perfect. Yes, Danny listened to those tapes over and over, but that's what happens when one is finally tipped over the edge of sanity. After all the years of being cast out and being labeled the bad seed he came home to try and was hit time and time again with derision and lies.

I agree. Robert was a demanding prick and clearly had a favorite kid. So mentally AND physically abusive. Many times it's the oldest child who bears the brunt of a father's rage.