
It’s Wednesday. I sure hope Trent Dilfer, Tony LaRussa, Kate Upton, Dabo Sweeny, Colin Cowherd, Jerry Rice, Jason Whitlock, and all the rest have their takes ready to go after... a guy kneeling to protest this very story.

I’m jealous that the Pres is so lucky she chose him.

I’ve always heard that the most dangerous black man is one with a book. I never knew cops thought that, too. RIP book dad. I will now get rid of all my books that look like guns.

I want to follow you on facebook so I can enjoy you spewing facts at morons. It’really delightful.

So, Ang is single. Good to know. I got a chance.

Rapist and rape apologist welcomed back at religious school. Seems appropriate.

Who thinks of Dr. Dre as “socially important”? Exactly no one. He’s a monster in his treatment of women, as are many white male rock stars that you (media) glibly give a pass to because, white... 99% of the take was on point, but not your ending, humbly submitted.

Sell a little weed: years in jail. Con RI out of $75M: $2.5M fine to be paid by insurance company. This is what privilege looks like and different sets of laws, lawyers, State officials, Banks, and all the rest. It’s a game they all play with one another where money is lost, no one is accountable, and the loud mouth

Lol. Of COURSE he has inside help! Gosh, how stupid are they who play this game and think they’ll win WITHOUT inside help?!? Both sites have proven that insiders win the money almost all the time.

He was in an assisted living place.. he wasn’t choosing to watch football, I’m guessing. It was just on TV and they wheeled him out there and plucked him in front with some grapes. This school is a bunch of lying liars who lie.

I get your joke. +1

Mediocre white man coaches racist little league football team. Why is this mediocre white man a head coach? Because his brother. That’s it. Oh, and he’s a yes man mediocre white man to a rich SOB who is an idiot.

A mediorcre white man doing what he does best. Lying and helping to create laws that target someone, anyone, other than another straight white man. Another asswipe who clearly shows what a good “christian” is and does.

Mediocre white man who made a lot of money doing mediocre things and being rewarded for those mediocre thigns writes stupid opinion for stupid newsrag geared towards other mediocre white men.

Haha! Burn gif cuz you’re 100% right! +1

Welcome to the Bay! Never, EVER read comments on SFgate - it is a cesspool that is like reddit on crack. Lots and lots of crack. And if you comment/retort on a comment with something that makes sense or call out the racism or women or gay bashing? You’re banned fairly quickly. (proud 3x banned fellow myself). So,

Thank you for your service, sir. And your view on this.

He's an ass since forever. The headline is patently wrong. He certainly intended to do exactly what he's accused of doing. Fuck him and his complicit models and celebrities who pat his fucking ass on the head for this shit.

The press, liberal or not are all in on the mess of Trump. His $4.6B in free coverage; the lack of challenge to his lies, across all networks in real time when they have the chance (not just that idiot Lauer), the fact there are think pieces that advocate for him and shit like that that never seems to end. They are

Obama Biden dancing gif here.