This. How can this be the first I've seen this beautiful pix of the supreme crazy?!? Thanks!
This. How can this be the first I've seen this beautiful pix of the supreme crazy?!? Thanks!
March. You’re wrong. Yell. You’re wrong. Protest. You’re wrong. Sit quietly. You’re wrong. Kneel. You’re wrong. Raise a fist. You’re wrong. Basically, if you’re black you have no constitutional rights to do/not do/say/not say anything without white folk who profess to love (worship) that antiquated document reminding…
Dr King would like a word with you about lawless and stupid laws that aren't more important than human rights and dignity.
Things are so messed up. This rapist got off and is very successful. Brock served all of 3 months. That judge in Canada asked the victim why she didn't close her knees. JHC.
In room full of Raider fans there was unanimous condemnation of the 2-pt call BEFORE the conversion. Celebration and agreement AFTER the conversion. So, standard fans.
You’re doing the lord’s work. Bless you.
We're sorry. He's a black quarterback so we know he's superhuman and not, say, Tom Brady, so we don't even think of the concussion protocol. Thanks for bringing it up, we will look into it. - NFL
Well, I guess as a black man I feel better. Thx.
The man bun just jumped the shark tank.
No. All of them are. All.
“For whatever reason” ... Here's one: white male power structure protects its own first and foremost. And, if the attacker is an athlete then the powers that be- white male- protects that person, too. (Ok, two reasons).
They’d call a cop who do what cops do to a brown person who is a “threat”
Weird. It’s the same thing overheard at the Dean’s office at Baylor.
This is why Ivanka is most favored, Eric. You're a dumbass.
Doesn’t matter the amount; Willed money causes shitstorms even when you’re talking $10.00. Death and money fucks up a lot of families.
2nd amendment. Lol.
Well, clearly the Dean can’t be expected to handle a rape case without blaming the victim, right? He’s just doing what all other Dean’s before him (and after) have done.
It’s an open secret that evangelicals (whatever the everloving fuck that even means) are a bunch of racist pigs. These folk hate all POC and women who aren’t obedient. These are the so-called christians who would love a theocracy that granted them power to convert or kill. They lecture the country over their christian…
Very true. Started Mexican American QB (Flores) who also became first Mexican American coach and who won TWO Superbowls but can’t find his way to the Hall. Hired AA head coach, and hired so many former players as assistants. Took care of all his players post playing days, and hired Amy and gave her power. Al was the…
This is one of those simple and obvious actions that would happen nationally and all at once if this country were to ever have a real truth and reconciliation around slavery. Tackle it all head on: those stupid names on all those buildings and schools, all the companies that still are around and that profited from…