
Slow clap..of stupidity.. If it hasn’t happened to you, and you’re black/half-black, then it shouldn’t have happened to anyone else. You learned to act right and so should everyone else and if they did, there wouldn’t be any problems. Good lord man, you’re a fool. You are repeating exactly what that moron Finnebaum is

Such an easy and good life. All that good living and good family lead right to a TV gig where she can open her crass mouth and put black folk in their place. America the beautiful.

Investigation. Lol. I like how a stupid district has to act like they need a loooong investigation before slapping the teacher on the wrist because that’s all the union will allow them to do. The teacher needs a consequence. I say, she has to clean up the lunch tables for her class for the next 3 months. Dummy.

Read the responses to your inane comment, fool.

Murdered an innocent man in cold blood. Still free waking around drinking Starbucks. White male justice. And the family and public are happy even though the murderer isn't even serving a life/death stance because just to get an indictment against a white male murdering cop is seen as a victory in this country.


I read Yoko’s tweets here and I always think: she’s stupid and tries too hard.

Wow. It must be nice to run a cult that not only rapes teen girls, but also steals food stamps from the government that you hate and that you say is corrupt and shit like that. White privilege at its worst/finest here.

“I knew as a follower of Christ I needed to take quick and decisive action, and I did,” Kintner said in a statement.

White guy arrested and then let go by white male judge who refused to increase his bail, too. And all he had to do was wear an ankle bracelet and when he cut that off no one noticed. Sell some weed in a big city as a POC and you’re locked up for years. This is our “justice” system.

His Twink.

White. Male. Just like the prosecutors, cops, etc. All would see him get away with it (And he did for a while) and push her aside, like all the other cases this year (and, forever). Unless the rapist is black, and then he will rightly get years and years and years.. just not white and male.

She stupid.

Got away with killing a guy; mad that another fellow takes a stance.

Texas. Cheap shot. But deserved.

She wishes Hitler were alive.. this is her reaction and response to rightly being called exactly what they are.. Perfect.

Because white men want it to and fall back on the flawed and fuckking constitution because that thing is their god and what they have used to stay in power forever in this country.

Two-time rapist football player and quarterback is offended another football player and quarterback takes a principled stance.

No worries. If he’s arrested and lives for trial, he’ll get 6 months and serve 3, like Brock, right?

As the wonderful women who raised me would say: He stupid.