

Poor, stupid neighbors.

Simone’s third pass is harder than most of everyone else’s FIRST pass. The girls put their hardest first when they are at their strongest. But Simone’s last is as hard/harder than everyone else’s first and so her degree of difficulty allows her to have a small hop and still win in a blowout (by gymnastic’s scoring).

Thank you. She is the best actor on the planet, imho.

He raped her. Let’s not parse and dissect and talk about changing values and definitions. He raped her. Rape has been known and understood for 1,000's of years. He raped her and he has been gifted by the Goddess with daughters whom he says he loves and will prepare for college... to protect them from young men like

Michelle for Pres and Leslie for Pres Secretary.

OMG. All the stories are aweful but yours/this one. My god. I hate that guy! He’s the one who also insisted that Simone’s parents were NOT her parents; they are her grandparents, despite Simone saying.. for YEARS, they are her PARENTS! He had to walk that back and has since referred to her parents as her parents, but

Awesome. I can barely lift my pizza box.

It’s useless. He doesn’t understand statistics or facts. He understands “we in NYC know everything and what is best and right and everyone else is dumb”. Typical.

Yea, now the reporters are reporting this shit. They’ve known all along.

Who said that? Rudy taking office had nothing to do with crime rates dropping there. At all. Crime rates peaked and then started dropping nationally around that time and continue to do so - again, it had nothing to do with him or your police force. He did, like many mayors and losers believed they did something when

Lol. Cali’s gangster problem. That’s funny, friend. In a really, really, dumb way.

“He went too far” and then you cite no dancing in bars? My god. You’ve lost the plot, pal. All the evidence of the police abuse against black men, including murders and false arrests and your example is dancing in bars. Jesus h christ.

You’re so happy. Check the stats, friend, crime dropped despite your fucking broken windows shit. And it dropped nationally. Despite all that evidence your beloved mayor kept pushing to arrest innocent black men and other POC and, yes, ruining lives and killing them, too. It’s all there and your city is a disgrace for

By clean-up the city you mean.. arrested 1,000's of black men, abused those men, killed many, shot many, ruined lives and so on.. on some false trumped (yea, intended) up broken windows shit, then, yea, he cleaned up your city. Ask your POC residents how that worked out...

The only appropriate comment on this trailer is: YASSSSS QUEENS, SLAY! I’ll see myself out.

I’m gonna post this on my FB. This is so good. In fact, every national newspaper should have this as their front page story every day until election day.

We are of the same mind friend. This story has haunted and delighted me for 20 years.

Same cold. Was determined. And then when they interrupted the ladies for more swimming PRELIMS midway through ladies circuit, I was out. Fuck NBC in all the ears. I’m following online and will watch when I can. I was in New Zealand during the last Olympics and it was glorious coverage - multiple networks, all day, all