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    Yeah, it does. You can customize each character, moves, specials skills, outfits, theme song, etc.

    But there isn’t a way to actually increase stats

    My little brother got it, LOVED the first one, hated BF2. Told me not to waste my time with BF2... I trust him.

    Honestly, the whole BF2 fiasco was the icing on the cake that made me sell my entire Star Wars collection and write off the series all-together.
    I now live a life that is Star Wars free and I’m happy.


    Atrocious. I’ve dumped about 200 hours into this game and I’d advise anyone to avoid it with a 10 foot pole. It’s the most shallow game experiences I’ve ever played. All the “new content” are just reskins. Battles make no sense, you spend 90% of your time staring at countdown timers to do your move.

    The job classes

    You understand why they did that? They want to turn all the non special editions purchases into micro-transaction purchases by making everyone who doesn’t get thstnall out of the gate feel compelled to catch up.

    Get out of here EA rep! No gamer likes this. Nobody who’s played games in the last 5 years likes how games are designed around micro transactions. It’s the antethisis to gameplay.

    It’s because EA has been doing this kind of fuckery in the games industry for far too long in many different ways. Even down to treating their employees like garbage.

    It doesn’t matter what you do in this world, you don’t go after the kids. Nobody likes that. There’s no recovering from it.

    Fuck battlefront 2 and your life.

    Noctis isn’t whiny at all! He’s just apathetic.

    Thanks for mentioning the poor sound quality Luke!

    I’m a sound designer and people forget how sound can break an experience if not done right.

    Keep complaining about bad sound, helps me keep my job :)


    If only you knew how many black woman have come up to me and done that same thing...

    Maybe you’d realize it’s just something people do when they are around or introduced to something different. It’s harmless, I’ve honestly never cared much at all. Definitely not enough to write an entire article about it online.


    Until you sit someone down with a PS4 Pro, PSVR, Surround Sound, Headphones and the Battlefront VR mission, they will never understand.

    Games were once a beautiful thing.


    Yeah. He’s not enjoying the game itself. He’s enjoying the act of beating it within a short time. The game wasn’t designed to be experienced that way.

    Yeah. He’s not enjoying the game itself. He’s enjoying the act of beating it within a short time. The game wasn’t designed to be experienced that way.

    Well I play games for enjoyment, not to beat them as quickly as possible...

    Well nowadays you can just go watch Django and get a good idea of the pasts ugliness.

    Yakuza 0!!!