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    A painful comment to read. Uhggggg there’s so much more to gaming and computers than just “my computer is faster” lol. What’s your deal man, go buy an Xbox. 

    That’s why I only support Pokemon when they do it right. I check it out from time to time but it’s not really that great. It gets old quick, especially after you’ve done the same thing so much... at least it works that way for me. 

    Easy, just dont play it, wait about 5 years for the next few pokemon games. Just be patient, they will do it eventually... But I think I might skip of it for this reason. I’m on the Pokemon lets go games and if they keep making those I’m gonna stick to that. My preferred PM experience... wish they were a little harder

    The Vita... Nintendo has finally caught up. 

    Aww <3 you’re playing my game! MJ:ST! Go easy! It’s our first run on this. 

    I don’t think it’s that they care about you! But that companies can care about delivering uplifting products.

    This reminds me of uhh what was the crappy google service they shoved down everyone’s throats but nobody cared?

    I wonder if this is Nintendo’s attempt to taking the wind out of the sails of VR. By showing Switch owners, look! VR is so gimmicky and useless you definitely don’t need the new playstation or any of its expensive VR. Look its a joke! I’m tellin ya!

    Just stay in the Nintendo ecosystem, you don’t need any of these joke

    I went through a phase where I wanted to have the soundtracks to all of my favorite games.

    Dear SoT team,

    I love the game and the experience. I miss the better water on XBX. I’m not sure exactly what changed, the translucency and texture fidelity from what I can tell.. Also the way the waves work and behave against the boat.. It changed abut a month ago when you rebalanced the weapons.

    Honestly, my main

    I wish all Jobs and Classes were Limited. I hate the cookie cutter design of Tank, Heal, and DPS.

    I stopped playing FFXIV cause it’s like the same concept reskinned 1000 times over.

    I like in other games where jobs and classes actually feel and play uniquely. FFXIV basically has 3 classes, DPS, Heal, Tank. Its so

    I love it. 

    How many times have you dropped your switch?

    I’ve dropped my 3DS at least 12 times. Its still fine.

    My friend dropped his Switch once and it broke. 

    I would rather achieve something cool in the game and be rewarded with something new... 

    heh yeah, I was trying to point to that a bit. It’s also part of a bigger issue we are experiencing as a society. At least there’s still room for the underdogs to prevail because of this. 

    I love Dragon Quest XI. It’s the antithesis to this whole thing. AAA dev makes streamlined game. Kind of like all of Nintendo’s games. Pure polished focused experiences.

    I agree though... yup. Everyone sucks.

    What used to be screaming entitled uninformed and ignorant kids on forums are now the people writing and

    It’s not only nostalgia. I never got into Wow and especially became less interested as more and more expansions came out and when I’d try to play my friends would want to power level me to max level so I can do whatever end game content I have no relation to...

    Honestly, reading this article makes me WANT to play this

    If you have 2-4 switches, can everyone play on their own and connect locally?

    Or is it only Online or Same screen sharing? 

    It might be because a new switch model is going to be announced this holiday season. But GameStop can’t outright say that -

    What? Did you not understand what he’s saying?