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    Foreboding of YouTube changes. I mean, Mario is about to be featured in the world Olympics in Tokyo. I’m sure Nintendo wants to manage it’s brand and not officially endorse live streamers who can say or do whatever they want because it’s live.

    I dunno. It feels a bit overboard, which leads me to believe there could

    Yay! I hope this means less live streamers!

    There’s a big different between legitimate complaints and feedback as opposed to just spamming and yelling the world fag constantly.. I feel like you’re missing the point here.

    Well now yourre onto the entire creator/fan conundrum. Was Linkin Park allowed to release an album without guitars in it? Sure.

    Making games is such a large and complicated process. There are so many shifts in tech, market, ecpectations during the course of a project. These are large multi-year projects.

    Been working on a franchise that has a decent following but hugely toxic fan base yes, our entire marketing was planned around manipulating the toxicity in the groups instead of being candid, because they can’t handle that and every time anyone of our producers says anything candidly, it always comes back post game

    As another person in the industry, I can say, Jason is pretty much dead-on.

    It’s not that anyone gets paid $10k a month, but that there are lots of costs associated with the team and game that you could average out that way.

    The project I’m on now, I use about 8 different programs to do what needs to be done. We need

    Estimates are a little on the high-end. No musician or sound designer at the indie level is making $10k a month.

    Maybe $3-4k if you’re lucky. Especially at an indie level. More like 2-3k

    At a 40 person mid-level, most people are gonna fall into the 3-8k a month range.

    You’re reasonably close though. If you factor in

    No! Stop making so much sense, the people can’t handle it!

    I hope PDP continues disrupts the system he helped create.


    That’s it...? exciting times, exciting times....

    PC Master Race!!!

    Ewww twitch streamers and YouTube video game players.

    He did say they were going to be working from the original assets as possible.

    I’m so sick of seeing this ad. Screw this guy!

    Thanks for this! Remember that a $6.3 million budget w/ Kickstarter fees and rewards costs gives them about $4m.
    Honestly, for that budget, the game looks damn good.

    Yeah I’m really confused by that too. Did they just scrap it or something? FFXV has so many spinoffs it’s just bizarre at this point.  

    Hey, they said from the get go that they’d be using some assets from the DC days. I can definitely see some textures on there. Also, there’s no animation, I think we are just seeing mo-cap from the martial arts moves.
    Anyways yeah... This should’ve been a backer-only kinda thing. It’s more like a status update than a

    Even though I’m a Shenmue die-hard, it’s nice to see the initial impression of somebody who knows nothing about the series.
    Honestly, this game is coming out Early 2019.

    Yu tends to show stuff off way too early, but fans needed to see SOMETHING from their kickstarter money. I appreciate the feedback and I hope the