God dammit! You ruined this for me! Why would you post about one of the most delightful surprises and try to ruin it for everyone?
God dammit! You ruined this for me! Why would you post about one of the most delightful surprises and try to ruin it for everyone?
In the last 5 years, it has become pretty common across the board. Even before then, a few great games still fell victim to this. In the last 5 years I’ve always been 1-2 years behind buying Or playing any game that is recieving updates.
Tim, what about this?
Not to mention the terrible sound on the PS2 and the even more terrible sound on an emulator
The 3D was the only thing that made up for that piss poor screen for me. I’ve never been interested in seeing these terrible screens up close. Especially without 3D to trick you into thinking it looks better than it does. Glassesless 3D worked like a charm for me. I don’t mind 2D games but they all have such poor…
When I first saw this game, all I could think about was how much of a Chibi-Robo (for 3DS) re-skin this game is. Even when playing ChibiRobo I was thinking... this looks strangely like a Pikmin game..
I whole heartedly agree
Played this today for about 20 mins. Shovel-ware garbage. SQUARENIX needs to be careful. Quality over quantity. You guys are diluting your own brand. Ick...
I can’t wait until this game is finished! I’ve been waiting to play it until it’s completely done. I’m sure by time I swing around to getting my PS4 Pro and 4k TV the game will be closer to finished. My first time playing through it won’t be half done like all you other chumps had to play it.
Let me know when I can play as a real BARD. As a real support class, Not an Archer with 2 songs.
Haha! This was a fun article! Just want to give you props on this one.
I guess Konami is just showing everyone what shit bags they really are.
To be fair, the industry has been trying to push VR, but it’s adoption is slow.
For what it’s worth, my wife just spent $500 on a new Xbox and some games, just because we wanted to played halo reach and wars together. Which are both backwards compatible games.
Are you playing on Hard mode?
I’m against pirating and stealing, so, I’m glad they are doing this.
I hate Raids.
They are the epitome of time wasting and piss poor game design.
Any chance they will make them have a bit more freedom, or will it always be the same, someone stand here and then someone stand here and move here, okay boss is open, shoot, repeat?
And what about those of us that are bilingual? That still prefer the original voices.
I’ve been traveling with both my switch and 3DS. THE 3DS is definitely the more accessible of the two. If I’m in a quick hurry or just want some quick gaming, I got for my 3DS. HOnelty, every game except Zelda isn’t that remarkable or is just some type of a remake of another game that’s been done a hundred times…
Personally, the 3D feature is what makes the whole experience for myself, my old roommate, my wife and my best friend.