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    I battle these same things personally. When I was a kid, video games were the only place I could go to get away from the insanity of my house hold and they kept me off the streets when I had no parents around.

    Actually, if you just click in R3, it will change between modern and retro sounds.

    im going to assume there’s no chance of them patching the Wii U features into the Wii U version of the game. If this is the case, It’s going to be hard to convince me to spend a penny on any of their hardware. Especially at how cheap and crappy the switch looks and feels.

    Does the Wii U version also use the tablet to display additional map information and so on?

    I feel like the world has turned into a bunch of permanent high schoolers.

    Poor dude... Since this article has no information on what actually happened, I’m just going to assume he went too long without attending to something... Crazy that somebody would do this because of their hunger for gamer fame and fortune.

    Died from streaming video games too hard. It’s like Ryan Dunn from jackass or

    The truth is, it was more of a PR stunt to funnel sales into Pokémon Sun and Moon.

    Too late...

    In other words, you played P.T. realized that everyone loved the shit out of it. So just copied it to a tee with RE slapped on the name..

    THAT’S why you chose 1st person. Don’t lie foo. We see you

    He’s been talking about self sabotage for a while now, hasn’t he?

    Yawn... of course they’ll never address he real glaring issue. How formulaic the party system is and all of the dungeon designs.

    Fast Racing Neo.

    Great another mobile “mmo”. At this point mobile games make me want to puke. They are all terrible

    Also, the game “Age of Kings” is actually titled “Age of Empires 2"

    Is Dragon Quest Builders better than Final Fantasy XV?


    What movie was it and did the girl watch it?

    I’m doing the same thing.

    I love his games. Beyond two souls and Heavy Rain are great works of art in my eyes. Maybe we had different experiences playing them though... not sure. They seemed just fine to me, ground breaking in some ways actually.

    Watch the anime and movie, it’ll ease you into the story better.

    Here’s another post I made to show you that I also have many problems with the game and am not trying to convince you it’s good, just saying that if slow combat is your issue, it’s one that definitely goes away.