I never said the game gets good. I said, the combat becomes much faster later in the game, to the point to where the devs are slowing it down.
I never said the game gets good. I said, the combat becomes much faster later in the game, to the point to where the devs are slowing it down.
I have played this game since day 1. Played it for 6 months, took a break for a couple years came back strong on Heavenward for a couple months and it all left a poor taste in my mouth.
If you played the game more, you’d probably feel different. They are actually making changes to slow the combat down because almost all players feel that it’s too much. So do the devs. It gets super super chaotic and fast later on.
I read these comments and I see so many people having no idea what they are talking about. Something in me wants to respond and open up a discussion. But then I just decide it’s not worth my time - my life online in 2016
Nowadays, nearly every game is like this.
Exactly why I’m waiting and didn’t get it yet. I’ll just wait for the super awesome deluxe version with all content added and a finished game!
When it comes to game development, voice acting is one of the easiest aspects. I mean these actors come in and do their line and call it a day. But some of these people are 2-5 years on these huge projects wth their entire families and lives on the line. Sometimes ruining their home life and sanity (which I’ve seen). …
Yeah. Sega had a few financial years like that in the past too. But the trick is, you use your game as a huge write off and to launder funds etc. pretty sure any big company who owns a pachinko parlor takes part in this practice. It’s been an issue with the Japanese government from my understanding as well.
Meh. I’m 29 my wife 28 and we didn’t start playing FF games together until a few years ago. They are great and even if it takes a year to beat them, they seem to be experiences with depth I haven’t found anywhere else in gaming.
This games art style is puke worthy... How un-inspiring can these buildings be? It looks like something I made with Legos when I was 10.
Ahh anyways, this update still doesn’t peak my interest. I thought that the multiplayer element would be really exciting, but we all know what happend with that...
That’s why I didn’t play destiny until now. Got the collectors edition and my first experience with this game is amazing. I’m not an early adopter.
We should just all ignore this mess if a game for two years. Then just buy the limited all dlc super special edition in two years when this game becomes a real full game.
Uhgggg... THat cheap art-style makes me shudder. Maybe one day I can properly play FFV and FFVI on a modern format without wondering why it looks exactly like the cheaply made FFDimensions on mobile...
I’m looking forward to it! No major spoilers please Jason!
Because people only want more bald space marines. Fuck anything else, that’s all gay pussy shit for pussies.
And in a couple years they’ll realease another Pokémon game on the switch and they will make another $400mil.
Yes but mobile games are franchise killers. You’re not considering how much a poor mobile game with shitty paywalls could ruin Nintendos brand and IPs. Pokémon go worked because it is designed specifically for mobile and it’s not a full game, but it also will tie in with Pokémon sun and moon. also, Pokémon go was a…
Terrible idea man. Then that would cut into a potential millions of 3DS hardware units that Nintendo can move. You do realize you’re telling Nintendo not to make a game for a console that already has the highest install base of any console ever for all time.
One of my friends was hired to do a lot of the concept shots and ideas for this. She’s a huge huge fan of the IP so she was stoaked. From what I could see, they seemed to be taking the source material seriously.
Nintendo would have to pay license fees on EVERY single thing they release if that was the case. Nintendos closed ecosystem is their business model.